Binance በብራዚል የFiat ተቀማጭ እና የመውጣት እገዳ መካከል አዲስ የክፍያዎች አጋርን ያስታውቃል

By - 1 year ago - የንባብ ጊዜ፡ 2 ደቂቃ

Binance በብራዚል የFiat ተቀማጭ እና የመውጣት እገዳ መካከል አዲስ የክፍያዎች አጋርን ያስታውቃል

Binance has chosen a new payments partner amid the suspension of direct fiat deposits and withdrawals in Brazil. The company stated it will now work with Latam Gateway, a payments processing company that has been in the payments intermediation business since 2019. Binance reported it would be working to normalize the fiat deposit and withdrawal situation shortly.

Binance Partners With Latam Gateway for Payments Processing

Binance, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges by volumes traded, has አስታወቀ በብራዚል መድረክ ላይ ከ fiat እንቅስቃሴዎች ጋር ያጋጠሙትን ችግሮች ለመፍታት አዲስ አጋርነት። የገንዘብ ልውውጡ ቀደም ሲል አጋር የነበረውን ባንኮ ካፒታልን በመተካት የላታም ጌትዌይን የክፍያ ሂደት ድርጅት አገልግሎት መመዝገቡን ገልጿል።

በብሎግ ልኡክ ጽሁፍ ልውውጡ ላታም ጌትዌይ ከ 2019 ጀምሮ በብራዚል ውስጥ የክፍያ ማቀናበሪያ ኩባንያ መሆኑን ገልጿል, ከ 2014 ጀምሮ በመስክ ልምድ ባላቸው ስራ አስፈፃሚዎች የተመሰረተ ሲሆን, ቦአ ኮምፕራ የተባለውን ሌላ የክፍያ ማቀናበሪያ ኩባንያ ሲመሰርቱ.

About the importance of the country for the exchange, Binance እንዲህ ብሏል:

ብራዚል ለኩባንያው እጅግ በጣም ጠቃሚ የሆነ ገበያ ሲሆን ለአካባቢው ተጠቃሚዎች ኢንቨስት ማድረጉን እና አገልግሎቶችን ማስፋፋት እንደሚቀጥል እንዲሁም በሀገሪቱ ውስጥ ለ blockchain እና crypto ሥነ-ምህዳር እድገት አስተዋጽኦ ያደርጋል።

ያህል Binance, this is a temporary measure to let its users use its platforms normally, as the exchange is currently in the process of በማግኘት ላይ ሲም; ፓውል፣ በብራዚል የደህንነት ጥበቃ ቁጥጥር ስር ያለ ኩባንያ።

ቀደም ወዮታ

Binance started having ችግሮች በ fiat ተቀማጭ እና withdrawals በዚህ ወር መጀመሪያ ላይ, ካፒታል, የቀድሞ የክፍያ አጋር, ጠንካራ KYC እርምጃዎችን መተግበር ጀመረ ጊዜ, የሀገሪቱን ማዕከላዊ ባንክ መስፈርቶች ለማክበር መድረኩን በማስማማት.

ቢሆንም Binance announced that it would be exerting legal actions against Capitual, the payments company rebutted stating that Binance had not adapted its platform to deal with the new requirements coming from the Central Bank of Brazil. According to reports from Capitual, which also lends its processing services to other exchanges in the area, like Kucoin and Huobi, these other companies did adapt their platforms and continue to operate normally.

Binance hopes to coordinate the integration of the services offered by Latin Gateway soon to normalize the status of direct fiat deposits and withdrawals in Brazil, which are still paused at the moment, though customers can still use alternative ways of getting funds in and out of the exchange.

What do you think about the new payments partner presented by Binance in Brazil? Tell us in the comments section below.

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