በመላእክት፣ በአጋንንት እና በአምላክ አባቶች ላይ፡ የVC ድጋፍ ሞዴል በጣም ርቋል?

በ AMB Crypto - ከ 2 ዓመታት በፊት - የንባብ ጊዜ: 1 ደቂቃዎች

በመላእክት፣ በአጋንንት እና በአምላክ አባቶች ላይ፡ የVC ድጋፍ ሞዴል በጣም ርቋል?

What sets altcoins apart from Bitcoin? A verified Twitter account, token distribution to insiders, or founders who reveal their identities? Might the whole host of altcoin ‘Foundations’ and ‘Labs’ be a factor too? How about the blessing of an angel investor? Or all of the above? Crypto and DeFi projects rely heavily on venture capitalists […]

ዋና ምንጭ ከ Crypto ጋር።