ሰባት ከስምንቱ በሰንሰለት ላይ ያሉ ቁልፍ ጠቋሚዎች ለ Bitcoin የበሬ ገበያ እዚህ አለ።

በCryptoNews - ከ1 ዓመት በፊት - የንባብ ጊዜ፡ 1 ደቂቃ

ሰባት ከስምንቱ በሰንሰለት ላይ ያሉ ቁልፍ ጠቋሚዎች ለ Bitcoin የበሬ ገበያ እዚህ አለ።

Seven out of eight key on-chain and technical indicators tracked by crypto analytics firm Glassnode’s “Recovering from a Bitcoin Bear” are now signaling that the next Bitcoin bull market might be here. Glassnode analysts utilize the dashboard to gauge whether Bitcoin might be in the process of transitioning from a bear market into a longer-term bull market....
Read More: Seven Out of Eight Key On-chain Indicators Signal the Bitcoin የበሬ ገበያ እዚህ አለ።

ዋና ምንጭ ክሪፕቶ ኒውስ