Veteran Trader Peter Brandt Predicts Major Rally Incoming for Litecoin, Says He’s Long-Term Bullish on Bitcoin

በዴይሊ ሆድል - ከ 2 ዓመታት በፊት - የንባብ ጊዜ: 2 ደቂቃዎች

Veteran Trader Peter Brandt Predicts Major Rally Incoming for Litecoin, Says He’s Long-Term Bullish on Bitcoin

Trading veteran Peter Brandt is a long-term Bitcoin (BTC) bull, but he’s expecting Litecoin (LTC) to outperform the leading crypto soon.

ነጋዴው ይናገራል his 580,000 Twitter followers that Litecoin is poised for a massive run after breaking through resistance from its September peak of $239.12.

“Litecoin has broken above September high on expanding volume and WBBs so expect retest of 2021 high at $395 or so.”

ምንጭ: ፒተር ብራንት / ትዊተር

Brandt did not define the term “WBBs.” He could be referring to wide-bodied bars, as in the body of the candles getting wider, or the weekly Bollinger bands, a common trading indicator currently showing expansion for LTC. Regardless, both indicators point to a bullish outlook for the crypto asset.

From a low of $193 this week, LTC has shot up 47% and is currently trading at $283.94.

Aside from Litecoin’s short-term price action, Brandt is ዓይንን መጠበቅ on Bitcoin for the long term as a safe haven against inflation.

“There is one thing in the markets I am absolutely sure of – the declining value of the US dollar.

$1 when I was born is worth 8 cents today.

$1 today will likely be worthless when my grandkids are my age.

ቢቲሲ ”

ነጋዴው ይናገራል skeptics that he has plenty of experience shorting various cryptocurrencies, but has remained long on Bitcoin since April of 2019.

“Note to my trolls (assuming you can read).

Let me type this really slow so that you might understand – I have only shorted cryptos once in my life (Nov 14, 2018).

I have been continually long BTC since early Apr 2019. I want Bitcoin price to go UP (spelled U P).”

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  ማስተባበያ-በዴይሊ ሆድል የተገለጹት አስተያየቶች የኢንቨስትመንት ምክር አይደሉም ፡፡ ኢንቨስተሮች ማንኛውንም ከፍተኛ ተጋላጭ ኢንቨስትመንት ከመጀመራቸው በፊት ተገቢውን ጥንቃቄ ማድረግ አለባቸው Bitcoin, ምስጠራ ወይም ዲጂታል እሴቶች. እባክዎ ዝውውሮችዎ እና ንግዶችዎ በራስዎ አደጋ ላይ እንደሆኑ እና እርስዎ ሊያጋጥሟቸው የሚችሏቸው ማናቸውም ኪሳራዎች የእርስዎ ኃላፊነት እንደሆኑ እባክዎ ልብ ይበሉ። ዴይሊ ሆድል ማንኛውንም ምስጠራ ወይም ዲጂታል ንብረት እንዲገዙ ወይም እንዲሸጡ አይመክርም ፣ ዘ ዴይሊ ሆድል የኢንቬስትሜንት አማካሪም አይደለም ፡፡ እባክዎ ልብ ይበሉ ዘ ዴይሊ ሆድል በአጋርነት ግብይት ውስጥ ይሳተፋል ፡፡

ተለይቶ የቀረበ ምስል፡ Shutterstock/Elnur/Natalia Siiatovskaia

ልጥፉ Veteran Trader Peter Brandt Predicts Major Rally Incoming for Litecoin, Says He’s Long-Term Bullish on Bitcoin መጀመሪያ ላይ ታየ ዘ ዴይሊ ሆድል.

ዋና ምንጭ ዘ ዴይሊ ሆድል