Coinbase дадае токен криптобиржи ў арсенал альткоинов, выклікаючы 50% ралі

Аўтар The Daily Hodl - 2 гады таму - Час чытання: 2 хвіліны

Coinbase дадае токен криптобиржи ў арсенал альткоинов, выклікаючы 50% ралі

Popular US-based crypto trading platform Coinbase Pro is adding another altcoin amid a flurry of new inclusions this week.

According to a Coinbase аб'яву, Voyager Token (VGX), the Ethereum-based coin of centralized exchange Voyager, has been added to Coinbase Pro. VGX is not yet available on the Coinbase retail platform or mobile app.

па Падарожнік, VGX is a liquid token that provides utility across its platform. Participants can earn interest by staking the coin or using the token to enable instant transactions, receive fee discounts, and earn rewards for trading.

The announcement of the Coinbase Pro listing nearly sent Voyager to the moon. VGX saw an approximately 52% price jump from $2.76 on Tuesday to a мясцовы высокі of $4.21 on Wednesday. The crypto asset has since corrected, trading at $3.61 at time of writing.

The announcement comes after Coinbase launched падтрымка for five other altcoins this week, including Алхімікс (ALCX), Служба імёнаў Ethereum (ENS), Гала-гульні (ГАЛА), магутнасць Лэджэр (POWR), and ГІЕН, a stablecoin pegged to the Japanese yen.

Though many crypto trading platforms such as Voyager have begun launching their own blockchains and cryptocurrencies, Coinbase recently сказаў they decided against doing so due to a preference for decentralization.

As Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong says,

“I’m kind of glad we didn’t [launch our own chain] because I don’t like the idea of there being a Coinbase Chain.

I like the idea of chains being much more decentralized than that.”

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Выбранае малюнак: Shutterstock / DanieleGay

Паведамленне Coinbase дадае токен криптобиржи ў арсенал альткоинов, выклікаючы 50% ралі упершыню з'явіўся на Штодзённы ходл.

Арыгінальны крыніца: Штодзённы ходл