Crypto Analyst Predicts for Rallies for Binance Coin (BNB), Solana (SOL) and One Additional Ethereum (ETH) Rival

Аўтар The Daily Hodl - 1 год таму - Час чытання: 2 хвіліны

Crypto Analyst Predicts for Rallies for Binance Coin (BNB), Solana (SOL) and One Additional Ethereum (ETH) Rival

A popular altcoin trader is predicting rallies for Binance Coin (BNB) and two Ethereum (ETH) challengers including Solana (SOL).

Pseudonymous crypto strategist Altcoin Sherpa tells his 176,000 Twitter followers that BNB, the utility token of crypto exchange Binance, is one of the strongest altcoins in the market right now.

“BNB: Trade idea, wait for a reclaim of the $340 area and take profit aggressively, likely at $380, $400, and $440 if it comes.”

крыніца: Altcoin Sherpa / Twitter

Падчас напісання, НББ пераходзіць з рук у рукі за 328 3 долараў, павялічыўшыся амаль на 24% за апошнія XNUMX гадзіны.

Next up is smart contract platform Solana, which Altcoin Sherpa says is poised for a 53% rally as long as Bitcoin (BTC) comes to life.

“I think that Solana is a good one to buy around here as a swing trade. Some notes:
-This is mostly on the idea that BTC goes to $35,000-$40,000 before any new lows
-SOL NFTs [non-fungible tokens] are doing well still
-Risk:reward still seems decent here at these levels, target $75.”

крыніца: Altcoin Sherpa / Twitter

Падчас напісання, Салана is valued at $49.38, above Altcoin Sherpa’s support level of $48.64.

The last coin on the trader’s radar is fellow Эфириума competitor Fantom (FTM). According to Altcoin Sherpa, FTM is gearing up for a rally after losing nearly 90% of its value from its all-time high of $3.48.

“FTM: This one got rekt. It’s currently at low timeframe resistance, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see this squeeze higher before dumping more. Buying a reclaim of $0.47 and shorting something around $0.60 sounds like a good idea.”

крыніца: Altcoin Sherpa / Twitter

Фантом is currently trading for $0.41, down over 4% in the past day.

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Рэкамендаваны малюнак: Shutterstock/Naeblys

Паведамленне Crypto Analyst Predicts for Rallies for Binance Coin (BNB), Solana (SOL) and One Additional Ethereum (ETH) Rival упершыню з'явіўся на Штодзённы ходл.

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