Bitcoin Миньорите не съществуват - но Bitcoin Валидаторите правят

By Bitcoin Списание - преди 1 година - Време за четене: 5 минути

Bitcoin Миньорите не съществуват - но Bitcoin Валидаторите правят

повикване bitcoin миньори bitcoin validators will improve the public's perception on Proof of Work (PoW) and prevent the framing effect from occurring.

This is an opinion editorial by Doc Sharp, a bitcoin product designer currently funded by Spiral to contribute to various bitcoin FOSS projects.

It's not a stretch of truth to anyone who's been around the digital assets space for a while that almost every project, except the industry’s magnum opus bitcoin, succeeds in constructing effective public relations to sell their децентрализирано само по име (DINO) проект. Това не е изненадващо, тъй като десетките милиарди, събрани през последните няколко години, трябваше да отидат някъде и определено не отидоха за изграждането на нови иновативни технологии.

Една област, която bitcoin has fallen short in the public relations department, and the focus of this piece, is in the framing of how blocks are validated, colloquially called proof-of-work (PoW) or mining.

Първо, как работи копаенето?

Накратко bitcoin miners use PoW, which uses energy, to find a needle in a haystack. When they find the needle, they use it to create and add a new block to Bitcoin's blockchain. When this new block is added, the miner gets rewarded with newly minted bitcoin. To date, this is the most decentralized means to achieving network consensus and creating valid blocks. More on bitcoin минното дело тук.

Bitcoin mining is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Източник на изображение

Bitcoin Mining And The Framing Effect

В свят, в който капиталът се насочва от критерии като екологични, социални и управленски резултати (ESG), зелените наративи при приемането на нови технологии стават все по-важни.

Knowing this, the perceived high energy costs of bitcoin mining and the term mining itself, which is associated with environmental destruction, has become a barrier to bitcoins adoption and a red herring used by DINO projects to discredit bitcoin and pump their bags.

Relatively speaking though, bitcoin mining's energy usage is quite small and is предимно зелени. Причината хората да пренебрегват тези реалности се дължи на когнитивно пристрастие, известно като ефект на рамкиране.

"The framing effect is a cognitive bias where people decide on options based on whether the options are presented with positive or negative connotations."

Терминът минното дело comes with many negative connotations (see image below). With other digital assets available that promise similar solutions to bitcoin with a much smaller environmental footprint, naïve users in many cases will choose them over bitcoin due to the framing effect.

Хората си мислят за това, когато чуят майнинг.

I won't get into the details in this piece, but the "greener" solution proof-of-stake (PoS) is не е жизнеспособна алтернатива and will inevitably lead to centralization. Though with the complexities underpinning both PoW and PoS, it's no surprise that people make choices due to superficial reasons, such as naïve views on energy.

Психологическа теория, която е в основата на рамкиращия ефект, е известна като теория на перспективата обяснява защо:

"The prospect theory holds that individuals are more influenced by the possibility of a loss than the prospect of an equivalent gain."

Most people don't understand that the gain of PoW (More energy use, but decentralized) is greater than the loss of PoS (Less energy use, but centralized). Although it's easy to understand the loss from a purely environmental perspective.

Това се влошава от факта, че мнозинството от хората днес виждам изменението на климата като сериозно нещо обществен проблем и сензационни произведения като напр "Bitcoin Uses More Electricity Than Many Countries. How Is That Possible?" циркулират редовно. Ето как се проявява рамкиращият ефект, тъй като на индивидите се показва само контекстът на един от кадрите (този от околната среда).

So, what can we do to overcome the framing effect and have people realize bitcoin mining isn't going to boil the oceans and is actually a good use of energy? We could take a note out of DINO handbook and leverage narratives that have less negative connotations associated with them to our benefit.

How could this be applied to bitcoin mining? Well ...

Let's Call Bitcoin миньори, Bitcoin Валидатори

Със сливането на Ethereum 2.0, Ethereum премина от копаене с PoW към използване на валидатори с PoS. Копаене и миньори, каквито ги познаваме, вече няма да съществуват в Ethereum и искове до 99.5% се посочва намаляване на потреблението на енергия.

These energy savings are a red herring as it comes at the cost of decentralization. Decentralization is a fundamental first principle of cryptocurrencies, without it they are useless. A centralized public cryptocurrency's energy usage, even if tiny, is 100% wasted as the network has failed. Bitcoiners know this, and it's why they will никога смени кода.

So, back to the framing effect. The term validators has much more positive connotations towards it due to DINOs marketing efforts, and it's not as loaded of a term as mining. Less negative connotations means people will perceive the term more positively. Avoiding the framing effect by using a more media friendly term like validator will make it easier for people to understand the gain of PoW (More energy use, but decentralized) is greater than the loss of PoS (Less energy use, but centralized).

DINO has done all the work here by shifting the narrative to being PoS > PoW. The least we can do is leverage this effort for our benefit as they have done time and time again using the bitcoins brand to justify their Rube Goldberg machine.

So, calling bitcoin миньори, bitcoin validators can prevent the framing effect from occurring and shift the narrative towards PoS < PoW. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum using the same term also makes discussions contrasting the two less nuanced making it easier for people to grasp. It's also more of a technically correct and explicit term as producing valid blocks is what miners (validators) do.

По-долу са термините, свързани с копаене, които трябва да променим:

Bitcoin mining pools = Bitcoin validator pools

Bitcoin miners = Bitcoin валидатори

Bitcoin mining = Bitcoin валидиране


In summary, re-framing PoW mining to PoW validating will benefit bitcoin long term by preventing the framing effect from occurring which is a cognitive bias where people decide on options based on whether the options are presented with positive or negative connotations.

Копаене = отрицателни конотации.

Валидиране = положителни конотации (благодарение на Ethereum).

This is a guest post by Doc Sharp. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

Оригинален източник: Bitcoin Списание