BNBMatrix: Новото лице на високодобивното земеделие

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BNBMatrix: Новото лице на високодобивното земеделие

Yield is everything when finding the best crypto-assets for your portfolio, and there is no substitute for BNBMatrix. As always, let us not forget the power of blockchain, the magic of smart contracts, and lately, the growth of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) as fuel for the Dapp market.

Високопроизводително земеделие: Всичко, което трябва да знаете

Дългогодишните инвеститори на DeFi познават силата на търпението. Очаква се глобалният пазар на криптовалути да получи значителен ръст през тази и следващата година (Източник: Goldman Sachs), оставяйки Dapps да използва този потенциален източник на растеж.

There is no denying it has been a rough stretch for cryptocurrencies. But investors would be wise not to leave the smart contracts market for dead. In fact, Yield farming looks attractive right now relative to their crypto counterparts.

Отглеждането на добив е просто шанс за смели инвеститори да спечелят големи. Това е инвестиционна стратегия, която поддържа възвръщаемост, по-голяма от живота, отколкото конвенционалните инвестиции предлагат в наши дни.

Моделът „използвайте криптовалута, за да спечелите повече крипто“ е всичко, което инвеститорите говорят. Казано по-просто, тя използва широк подход към защитата на портфейли. Освен това, когато една крипто-фирма успява да повиши доходността си година след година, тя прави мощно изявление.

BNBMatrix is the crème de la crème of yield farming Dapps that raises pay-out like clockwork day after day. The company has one principle fuelling its rise as the fastest-growing ROI-based yield farming Dapp – Binance Интелигентна верига (BSC).

It may sound strange, but you have to remember that unlike the big market cap cryptos such as bitcoin, the road to higher valuations is a tricky balancing act. The value of a currency is tied to the growth of its user base. Frankly speaking, building a user base takes time and a lot of funds.

По-точно, всеки стартъп на криптовалута има стимул да наводни пазара с нови емисии на единици, за да разшири базата. Недостатъкът: подобно наводнение е по-вероятно да разруши повече стойност, отколкото би спечелило. Влиза DeFi, който дава заеми на кредитополучателите за пазарни спекулации.

Вашата инвестиция е ликвидността, излята в нови монети и печалбите от поскъпването с течение на времето – и те са се удвоили от юни (Източник: Coin Desk). С прости думи, BNBMatrix работи много като поставяне на парите си в спестовна сметка. Доходността се получава от осигуряване на ликвидност.

The increasing mainstream interest in the crypto market is changing the picture for investors. Among other things, larger, more stable chains like Binance Smart Chain are becoming more appealing. The yield on BNBMatrix is soon topping 234%. That says something about what will happen next.

Формулата на BNBMatrix за висока доходност

Със сигурност, BNBMatrix offers ROI from 7.8% to 17% in seven to thirty days, depending on the investor’s deposit. When we do the math; that’s an ROI of 119% to 234% in total. Such Dapp values are where big money places its bets.

Sounds impressive, and here’s how it all works. BNBMatrix is a smart contract-based DeFi platform built as a Dapp on the Binance Smart Chain. It is only 20 days old and is about to cross off a milestone of 14000 BNB in deposits.

The idea is to leverage the value proposition of Binance Smart Chain in the most efficient way possible. Everybody loves a good bargain, and with some high-priced cryptos costing hundreds and thousands of dollars, investing in emerging markets is a sure way to grow money.

В допълнение, тези интелигентни договори ви позволяват да инвестирате само 0.01 BNB, за да започнете. Но това не е всичко; BNBMatrix позволява на инвеститорите да се изтеглят по всяко време. Това е отворено споразумение без ограничения за обратно изкупуване на инвестиции.

So, what could go wrong? There is theft, for one. But, BNBMatrix has been very meticulous about the safety of the smart contract, going as far as to get audited by Haze Crypto. The verdict: there are no vulnerabilities, backdoors, or scams.

If you run into some headwinds, you can always reach out to the customer support teams 24/7 on Telegram. Like any other Dapp, BNBMatrix is also cultivating a community on Telegram to deal with every query and concern.

Why should you consider investing in this Binance Smart Chain high yield Dapp now? Good news! Интелигентен договор BNBMatrix offers stable ROI, as is evident by the revolutionary growth since it launched.

BNBMatrix is in pursuit of becoming a leading DeFi platform. It is opening up Binance Smart Chain for investment as one of its very best Dapps. What’s more, this smart contract is all about diversification, a proven investment strategy for any market.

Final Word

The cryptocurrency market has a huge potential, but the volatility and high risk are a hard pass. BNBMatrix is emerging as the most secure DeFi protocol on the Binance Smart Chain.  Users can simply deposit BNB into the fund and receive 7.8% to 17% profit daily.

Само BNBMatrix can turn a deposit of 0.01 BNB in a smart contract platform into a savvy investment move. A big part of Dapp’s success can be attributed to the success of the Binance Smart Chain. It can make a great addition to any portfolio.

Оригинален източник: Bitcoinе