Market Pundit Pokes Holes In Possibility Of Bitcoin Tapping $100,000 Before Year-End

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Market Pundit Pokes Holes In Possibility Of Bitcoin Tapping $100,000 Before Year-End

With the expanding adoption of Bitcoin and most recently, the Taproot upgrade which brings smart contract capabilities, secure and efficient transactions to the network, there is no doubt that most investors are bullish on the most successful cryptocurrency.

“Не твърде бързо”

Despite the growing enthusiasm to see price hitting $100,000 or higher by December 31st , Nicholas Merten is doubtful that Bitcoin could achieve this level within one and a half months.

Според главния изпълнителен директор на Digifox Finance, “Hate to say it, but I’m 100% confident we won’t see Bitcoin hitting $100,000 by the end of the year.”

Въпреки че Никълъс твърди, че като цяло е оптимист по отношение на Crypto, той туитва, че инвеститорите може да трябва да чакат повече, казвайки, че достигането на $100,000 1 през Q2 или Q2022 на XNUMX г. е правдоподобно. „Може ли да се случи през Q1? Сигурен; Може ли да се случи през Q2? Лесно" Той добавя.

Doing simple calculations, he reminds the crypto community that Bitcoin would have to add $661 Billion to its current market valuation to reach a six-figure, a herculean task for such a short time. This, he notes, would be equivalent to the last four months of gains, a scenario that he doesn’t see unfolding as we click closer to year-end.

Even worse, he finds those calling for $200,000 Bitcoin by EOY laughable.

“And for those calling for $200,000 Bitcoin by EOY, I don’t know what to tell you,” той казва, „В този цикъл съм убеден, че ще достигнем 200,000 3 долара. Но тези нива в цената няма да бъдат постигнати до Q4-Q2022 XNUMX, лесно.”

Той призовава хората да имат реалистични очаквания и да не бъдат заслепени да мислят, че цената се отпечатва само на север. Той им напомня, че въпреки че е настроен по отношение на криптовалутата, миналият му опит с ценовото поведение го е научил как да настрои очакванията си с реалността на историческото представяне.

Bitcoin Shaky “In The Short Term”

с Bitcoin’s price having fully recovered from May’s shed, temporary “breathing out” is expected from its current range according to market strategist Gareth Soloway.

According to the expert who has on previous occasions predicted that Bitcoin could pull back after hitting an ATH, it would take great effort to push the price past $65,000 to $100,000 before this year lapses. „Последното нещо, което инвеститорът иска да направи, е да скочи точно на върховете“ предупреждава той.

Following Taproots’s debut on Sunday, Bitcoin’s price remains unwavering, trading above $60k even as Traders continue nail-biting at a feeble weekly close.

Оригинален източник: ZyCrypto