Найиб Букеле отговаря на Bank of England's Bitcoin Критика

By Bitcoinist - преди 2 години - Време за четене: 2 минути

Найиб Букеле отговаря на Bank of England's Bitcoin Критика

На Салвадор bitcoin adoption caused a big stir in the world. It was almost a myth until the coin was signed into law as a means of payment. Then, the simple announcement alone shook the world, and the final launch became a hot topic.

Да се ​​каже, че много хора и организации са дошли за Nayib, е подценяване. Президентът на страната получи много обиди, но продължи да настоява, докато не постигне целта.

Сред тези, които изразиха силно опасенията си, е Bank of England (BOE). Пренебрегвайки похвалните неща за блокчейн, като напр скритата сигурност на технологията, the Bank of England has been skeptical about the whole idea of bitcoin, its growth, or its popularity. So, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele worsened its negative position. Andrew Bailey of BOE, a BTC critic, appears to be more vocal than others.

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Говорейки на събитието на Студентския съюз в Кеймбридж, управителят на BOE Андрю Бейли разкри the mystery for his unease regarding El Salvador’s Bitcoin adoption. He said,

"Bitcoin is volatile in nature thus dangerous to dabble in.”

He states that he is greatly concerned that any country would decide to use bitcoin as their national legal tender. According to him, the citizens of El Salvador may not fully realize the explosive nature of Bitcoin.

El Salvador’s Response To Bank Of England’s Concerns Over Bitcoin Приемане

The country of El Salvador endorsed using Bitcoin as their national legal tender in September 2021. Furthermore, they approved using digital assets as a medium for payment.

That notwithstanding, El Salvador increased its BTC possessing by adding up to 100 Bitcoin at the time of the last cryptocurrency market correction.

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As a result, El Salvador is presently in possession of above $60M worth in Bitcoin. Furthermore, starting from October, the country’s BTC accumulation increased significantly. Also, El Salvador introduced various initiatives to improve the mass adoption of BTC in the nation.

Even though El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin as their national legal tender has only lasted for a short time now, the move is working favorably for the region, says Bukele. According to him, the constant updates released by his administration attests to that.

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He gives instances that El Salvador has utilized the said volatility of Bitcoin, most especially at the period of price dips, to gather additional amounts of the asset. Moreover, they used the gains during price increase to strategize purchasing new schools and hospitals.

В обръщението си към последните коментари на Андрю Бейли президентът Найиб Букеле отговори дипломатично. Но най-важното, по отношение на „истинските“ притеснения на Бейли за салвадорците, той намекна, че банката никога не е показвала уважение към гражданите, така че тази загриженост за осиновяването изглежда неуместна.

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