NBER Study Reveals Bitcoin Is Over Concentrated And Vulnerable To A 51% Attack

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NBER Study Reveals Bitcoin Is Over Concentrated And Vulnerable To A 51% Attack

Това разкрива ново проучване Bitcoin is concentrated in the hands of a few whales.The research goes on to reveal that Bitcoin miners are heavily concentrated and leave the network susceptible to a 51% attack. The largest BTC whales include MicroStrategy, Satoshi Nakamoto, Micree Zhan, and the Winklevoss twins.

Една от точките за продажба на Bitcoin is the extent of its decentralization over traditional financial systems. A recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research reveals that the network might not be as decentralized as we think.

Няколко ръце, много BTC

An in-depth study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, (NBER) has revealed that the bulk of Bitcoins is owned by a few individuals. The research team utilized a methodology that involved splitting addresses between intermediaries and individuals, which generated interesting results despite the difficulty of the undertaking.

Проучването разкри, че 10,000 6,000,000 портфейла контролират над 1,000 3,000,000 XNUMX BTC, което е една трета от цялата криптовалута в обращение. Проучвайки по-нататък, NBER откри, че водещите XNUMX инвеститора притежават около XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX BTC, като показателите са силно концентрирани по-нагоре по стълбицата. 

„Това измерване на концентрацията най-вероятно е подценяване, тъй като не можем да изключим, че някои от най-големите адреси се контролират от едно и също лице“, казаха изследователите. “Our results suggest that despite the significant attention that Bitcoin has received over the years, the Bitcoin ecosystem is still dominated by large and concentrated players, be it large miners, Bitcoin holders or exchanges.”

Тенденцията на концентрация може да бъде открита и сред миньорите на криптовалута, където водещите 10% от миньорите представляват 90% от генерирането на активи, докато само част е отговорна за 50%. Въпреки привидно децентрализирания характер на мрежата, проучването на NBER продължава да рисува различна картина.

Недостатъкът на тежката концентрация на миньори според проучването е податливостта на 51% атака към мрежата. Този вид атака се случва, когато нападателят получи мажоритарен контрол върху хеш-мощта на блокчейна.

Най-голямата Bitcoin Whales And Miners

Although it’s hard to tell who the largest holders of Bitcoin are, some entities stand out from the pack as the biggest whales. For organizations, MicroStrategy is the largest entity with an estimated 111,042 BTC that has a value of over $6 billion and shows no signs of slowing down on acquisitions.

Bitcoin’s founder, Satoshi Nakamoto is said to have over 1 million BTC in his possession which would make him the largest whale. Other noteworthy individuals include the Winklevoss brothers, Barry Silbert, Tim Draper, Michael Novogratz, and Micree Zhan, the owner of Bitmain.

Prior to China’s cryptocurrency crackdown, the country accounted for over 50% of Bitcoin’s hash rate but with the tide turning, America now has the highest concentration of Bitcoin миньори. Kazakhstan and Russia come in second and third place.

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