Какви фактори движат Bitcoin Революция на паричните преводи в Африка? Тези

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Какви фактори движат Bitcoin Революция на паричните преводи в Африка? Тези

- Bitcoin remittance business is blowing up all over the world. South African financial website moneyweb brings us the report directly from the oldest continent. The conditions that led to El Salvador making Bitcoin legal tender are present all over Africa. The people are unbanked but everybody has mobile phones. Plus, the diaspora is huge and sends money home constantly while big companies rob them blind with high fees. 

Related Reading | Is Largely Unbanked Africa Primed for Bitcoin Осиновяване?

“The African continent has many opportunities for widespread Bitcoin adoption. One of those opportunities is remittance fueled by Africa’s growing ~mobile~ population. There are over 30 million Africans living outside their countries of origin. Since 2012, the African Union considers the African diaspora the sixth Africa’s region.”

On one hand, “countries such as South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya” want to regulate bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. On the other, “According to the World Bank Global Findex, 60% of the population” in the continent are unbanked. The recipe is there. And Bitcoin remittances might be the use case to bring mass adoption to Africa.

Революция на паричните преводи, фактор 1. Мобилни портфейли

Не само мобилното население нараства, но целият континент също има богат опит с други форми на „мобилни пари“. Това е концепция, която вече е затвърдена в културата:

„Африка е световен лидер в използването на мобилни пари. Субсахарска Африка има най-бързо развиващата се индустрия за мобилни пари в света. В региона ще продължи да се наблюдава значителен ръст в броя на хората, притежаващи мобилни телефони. Предвижда се мобилните абонати в Африка на юг от Сахара да достигнат 623 милиона до 2025 г., половината от населението на континента. Цифрата ще бъде още по-висока заради културата на споделяне на мобилни телефони."

From there to using Bitcoin, the most efficient money network in the world, it’s just a step. The road is clear.

Фактор 2. Правителствени политики

Inadvertently, governments all over the African continent are pushing Bitcoin adoption with their restrictive policies. For example

“In 2020, the Central Bank of Nigeria suspended international mobile money transfers to Nigeria. The suspension came after the banking regulator allowed US dollar payouts for international remittances in the country.” And that “means that only Nigerians with a bank account will be able to receive money from abroad. Not all international money transfer services to Nigeria support cash payout.”

Everyone underestimates the rate of #Bitcoin осиновяване в Нигерия, скоро ще стане основна религия.

— Bernard ‘berlin’ Parah (@bernard_parah) February 5, 2022

What have the Nigerians done? Turn to Bitcoin remittances, of course.

Друг пример:

“In Zimbabwe, several restrictive monetary policies have led to the growing interest and use of bitcoin for remittances. First, the government banned all foreign currencies such as the US dollar, Euro, South Africa rand, and others. The government also placed restrictions on mobile money services, as well as daily withdrawal limits because of severe fiat currency shortages. To bypass these restrictive policies by the central bank, a growing number of Zimbabweans prefer bitcoin remittances to fiat money.”

Революция на паричните преводи, фактор 3. Слаба валута

Този фактор не присъстваше в Ел Салвадор, който е доларизирана страна. В Африка обаче има няколко „държави, които изпитват двуцифрена инфлация като Замбия, Зимбабве, Нигерия, Судан, Южен Судан, Етиопия, Либерия и Сиера Леоне“. Например:

„Гвинейският франк е една от най-слабите валути в света, когато стартираме през 2022 г. През 2020/21 г. замбийската квача и доларът на Зимбабве бяха едни от най-лошо представящите се валути в света. Нигерийската найра е загубила повече от 50% от стойността си от 2015 г. Централната банка на Нигерия девалвира найрата три пъти през 2019 г. През май 2021 г. централната банка девалвира найрата със 7.6%.

What have the Nigerians done? Adopt Bitcoin remittances. What will the other countries do? Adopt Bitcoin remittances, also.

Who said Kenyans don't own #Bitcoin..

Kenya Ranks 2nd in Africa in P2P settlement, overtaking South Africa .#cryptocurrencyKE #africarising pic.twitter.com/fg8Ivj3mQA

— CRYPTOCURRENCY KENYA (@CryptoHubKE) February 8, 2022

Фактор 4. Трансферни такси и скорост

Таксите за превод бяха важен фактор в историята на Ел Салвадор. И в Африка историята се повтаря:

“A study by the World Bank shows that transfer fees to Sub-Saharan Africa, the poorest region in the world, are the highest in the entire world. The cost of sending $200 to Sub-Saharan Africa towards the end of 2020 was 8.2% on average. Sending money within Africa is even more expensive.”

Какво ще прави цялата Субсахарска Африка?

I could wait another 25 years for the ANC to do good on their promises to fix some of historical injustice in South Africa, or I can take control of my own life and buy #bitcoin сега.

— Tensai Bankai (@tensaibankai) February 8, 2022

Революция на паричните преводи, фактор 5. Образование

This is a positive one, for a change. According to BTrust’s Abubakar Nur Khalil, in a recent article for Bitcoin Magazine:

“Africa is home to more than a thousand indigenous languages, with non-English speaking countries. The majority of Bitcoin material available is in the English language, which means we must also engage in translation efforts to unlock knowledge for millions of non-English speakers on the continent, both on the developer and user front.

Currently, there are efforts around Africa to translate Bitcoin material into different languages such as Amharic, Arabic and Wolof by Kal Kassa, Arabic_HODL and Fodé Diop, respectively, with ongoing work on others.”

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And we also have to mention Exonumia, who is “creating open source African language translations for Bitcoin literature through community.” And, of course, the BTrust. The organization created and financed by Jay-Z and Jack Dorsey is on a mission to promote Bitcoin development in Africa and India. One of its board of directors members, Abubakar Nur Khalil, recently spoke to Bloomberg Technology about the initiative.

Meet one of the board members of Jay-Z’s and Jack Dorsey’s blind Bitcoin trust: Recursive Capital CEO Abubakar Nur Khalil in Nigeria. He tells @sonalibasak how he envisions web3 in Africa https://t.co/IdyBB7wTvb pic.twitter.com/eFKEga4Nbg

— Bloomberg Technology (@technology) February 4, 2022

Заключения и пазарът

There are negative factors that affect Bitcoin positively, like high fees, weak currencies, and worse government policies.  And there are positive ones, like high mobile adoption and available education. The mix might form a perfect storm for Bitcoin adoption in Africa. And the Bitcoin remittances revolution is leading the way.

Графика на цените на BTC за 02/10/2022 на Bitstamp| Източник: BTC/USD на TradingView.com

After a recent surge of sorts, Bitcoin has been trading horizontally for the last few days.

Featured Image by James Wiseman on Unsplash | Charts by TradingView

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