Izbrisano blizu 60,000 BTC Bitcoin Trezori za 9 mjeseci, 4 entiteta drže više od 100 BTC

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Izbrisano blizu 60,000 BTC Bitcoin Trezori za 9 mjeseci, 4 entiteta drže više od 100 BTC

During the last two years, a number of public and private companies, exchange-traded products (ETPs), and countries have added bitcoin to their balance sheet. However, during the last nine months of 2022, the number of bitcoin stored in these types of treasuries dropped by 57,481 bitcoin, worth around $1.1 billion using today’s exchange rates.

$1.1 Billion Worth of Bitcoin Has Been Removed From the Treasuries List

On October 17, 2022, 65 companies, ETPs, and countries hold bitcoin (BTC) on their balance sheet. The data stems from the bitcoin treasuries list, which aggregates the current bitcoin holdings in publicly traded and private companies, ETPs, and countries.

At the time of writing and as of September 8, 2022, the bitcoin treasuries list indicates that roughly 65 of the aforementioned types of entities own approximately 1,443,925 BTC ili 6.876% od ograničene ponude od 21 miliona. Dok je stanje velika suma, 57,481 BTC worth $1.1 billion has been erased from the bitcoin treasuries list since the start of 2022.

1.44 miliona BTC u trezorima danas vrijedi otprilike 27.76 milijardi dolara prema trenutnim tržišnim vrijednostima. Podaci sačuvani preko archive.org pokazuju da je kada je počela 2022. 65 javnih i privatnih kompanija, ETP-ova i zemalja držalo 1,501,406 BTC.

U to vrijeme, 1.501 milion BTC vredeo je 63.25 milijardi dolara po kursu 2. januara 2022. Najveća promena u poslednjih devet meseci bila je Teslin bilans, koji je iznosio 32,177 BTC uklonjen iz trezora firme.

Tesla je nekada imao 42,902 BTC a danas, blagajna firme drži 10,725 BTC. 32,177 BTC predstavlja 55.98% od 57,481 BTC erased from the bitcoin treasuries list since the start of the year.

4 out of 65 Entities Hold More Than 100,000 Bitcoin

Dok firme poput Tesle neopterećen BTC, lista također pokazuje nekoliko kompanija koje povećavaju svoje zalihe. Na primjer, Microstrategy je imao 124,391 BTC 2. januara 2022. godine, a danas kompanija drži cca 130,000 BTC.

Predmemorija Microstrategya porastao je za 4.51% od početka godine. Teslin bilans je, s druge strane, zabilježio pad za oko 75% svoje bitcoin imanja.

The largest treasury holder on the bitcoin treasuries list is the ETP managed by Grayscale Investments. Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust (OTCMKTS: GBTC) ima 643,572 BTC prema bitcoin treasuries list, which equates to $12.37 billion in USD value using today’s exchange rates.

Od 21 miliona zaliha, BTC koju drži GBTC predstavlja 3.065% i GBTC-ov keš dalje iznosi 44.57% od 1.44 miliona BTC danas u trezorima. Od svih 60 entiteta koji drže BTC u svojim bilansima samo četiri entiteta drže više od 100,000 BTC.

Četiri organizacije koje imaju više od 100 hiljada BTC include Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust (643K), Microstrategy (130K), Mt Gox (141K), and Block.one (140K). These four entities alone command 1,054,000 BTC od 1.44 miliona BTC drži 65 subjekata.

Uprkos brisanju 57,481 BTC od 2. januara lista je porasla od 17. jula 2022. kao broj BTC u trezorima je bilo oko 1,325,396 BTC. With 1.44 million held today, roughly 120,000 bitcoins were added to balance sheets since July 17.

Statistics for the current bitcoin treasuries list mentioned in this article are derived from the web portal kupitibitcoinworldwide.com, I archive.org metrics sačuvano 2. januara 2022. sa iste web stranice.

Šta mislite o 57,481 bitcoin that’s been erased from the bitcoin treasuries list? What do you think about the fact that four entities command a majority of the 1.44 million held by 65 entities? Let us know your thoughts about this subject in the comments section below.

Izvorni izvor: Bitcoin.com