Americà Bitcoin Miner té com a objectiu vendre equips de 30 milions de dòlars a Rússia per evitar sancions

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Americà Bitcoin Miner té com a objectiu vendre equips de 30 milions de dòlars a Rússia per evitar sancions

Amb seu als Estats Units Bitcoin (BTC) & crypto mining company Compass Mining aims to sell USD 30m worth of mining gear currently stuck in Siberia to buyers in Russia in a bid to avoid possible sanctions by the US and the EU.
Whit Gibbs, CEO of the Texas-based company, has told Bloomberg that the mining servers have a capacity of 12 megawatts and can't be moved out of the country, adding that the proceeds from the sale will be used to pay off roughly 2,000 customers who own the equipment....
Read More: American Bitcoin Miner té com a objectiu vendre equips de 30 milions de dòlars a Rússia per evitar sancions

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