Malgrat la caiguda del mercat criptogràfic als EUA, "els caps clars prevaldran", diu el cofundador d'Ethereum

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Malgrat la caiguda del mercat criptogràfic als EUA, "els caps clars prevaldran", diu el cofundador d'Ethereum

Joseph Lubin, the co-founder of Ethereum and the CEO of blockchain firm ConsenSys, is optimistic about crypto adoption in the US, similar to embracing “previous technologies like the internet.”
In a recent interview on CNBC’s ‘Capital Connection,’ he said that “clear heads will prevail” in the industry, despite the ongoing turmoil and regulatory uncertainties....
Read More: Despite Crypto Market Rout in the US, “Clear Heads Will Prevail,” Says Ethereum Co-Founder

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