Binance Eyeing Up to 100 Deals in the Crypto Space Amid the Bear Market, According to CEO Changpeng Zhao

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Binance Eyeing Up to 100 Deals in the Crypto Space Amid the Bear Market, According to CEO Changpeng Zhao

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao says the biggest crypto exchange by volume is currently hunting for deals in the crypto market.

Zhao tells Yahoo! Finance that Binance is buscant at 50-100 crypto deals right now with more to be announced soon.

"En realitat veiem moltes oportunitats al mercat. Així que estem augmentant la nostra contractació, augmentant les nostres activitats [de fusió i adquisició], estem buscant reduir les tarifes a les nostres plataformes per facilitar-ho als nostres usuaris durant aquest període".

The CEO says some deals have already been inked without being publicized.

“Nosaltres have done quite a few already. The smaller ones we typically don’t announce. We respect privacy aspects of it. The larger ones we do tend to announce… Just because somebody doesn’t make news doesn’t mean there are no deals going on.” 

Zhao says they don’t always like to advertise their involvement in a project if it’s capable of recovering on its own with a loan or a minority investment.

The CEO also says he thinks there should be clear regulatory guidelines for cash reserves for different types of businesses in the crypto space. He also thinks there should be requirements for “transparency and disclosure.”

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Imatge destacada: Shutterstock/cherezoff

El lloc Binance Eyeing Up to 100 Deals in the Crypto Space Amid the Bear Market, According to CEO Changpeng Zhao aparèixer per primera vegada en El diari Hodl.

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