Binance Els EUA afegeixen serveis de staking per a 7 actius criptogràfics diferents

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Binance Els EUA afegeixen serveis de staking per a 7 actius criptogràfics diferents

Binance US is now offering crypto staking services and the firm details that seven digital currencies are currently available with annual percentage yields (APYs) up to 18%. Customers can earn yields on proof-of-stake (PoS) cryptocurrencies that include binance coin, solana, avalanche, livepeer, graph, cosmos, and audius.

Binance US Adds Staking Services

A Twitter, Binance US explained the company is now joining the ranks of the variety of crypto exchanges that offer staking services. “Binance US has officially launched staking, empowering customers to do more with their money,” the company detallat el dimarts. "Els clients ara poden participar mentre generen un APY de fins a un 18%, la taxa més alta entre les empreses criptogràfiques nord-americanes", va afegir l'intercanvi.

Actualment, Binance US is offering staking services for seven different crypto assets, which include BNB, ÀUDIO, AVAX, SOL, ATOM, LPT, and GRT. Binance US shows that BNB actualment ofereix un rendiment percentual anual (APY) al voltant del 6.4% i la recompensa de staking de LPT és del 18%. Quan un individu a Twitter pregunta Binance US if they can “expect more options in the future?” the exchange respondre: “Sí. Més per venir."

Amb Binance US getting into the game of staking services, the firm joins competitors like, Kraken, Gemini, Coinbase, FTX, Tradestation, and other trading platforms that offer staking services for customers. In addition to centralized exchanges, crypto users can also stake coins in a non-custodial fashion by leveraging decentralized finance (defi) applications and delegating coins directly to PoS network validators.

Binance US is the American partner of the world’s largest crypto exchange by trade volume, Binance. The exchange, founded in 2017, ceased servicing Americans in 2019 and revealed the subsidiary Binance US shortly after. According to data, while Binance is the world’s largest by volume, Binance US is the 15th largest at the time of writing.

Empresa matriu Binance is segons sembla facing scrutiny from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), according to people familiar with the matter speaking with Bloomberg. The alleged probe is tied to whether or not the crypto asset binance moneda (BNB) és un valor no registrat.

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