Bitcoin L'hashrate arriba als 400 exahash per segon, segons l'investigador, la xarxa podria arribar a l'era Zettahash el 2025

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Bitcoin L'hashrate arriba als 400 exahash per segon, segons l'investigador, la xarxa podria arribar a l'era Zettahash el 2025

Malgrat Bitcoin’s difficulty reaching an all-time high at 46.84 trillion, participants in bitcoin mining have kept the hashrate running stronger than ever before. According to statistics, on March 23, 2023, the hashrate reached a high of 400 exahash per second (EH/s). The 400 exahash equates to 0.4 zettahash or four hundred quintillion hashes per second. As the hashrate continues to climb, research analyst Sam Wouters at River Financial estimates that at the current growth rate, Bitcoin could reach the zettahash era “by the end of 2025.”

Reasons for the Increase in Bitcoin Hashrate: Insights from River Financial Analyst

Fa dos dies, Notícies informar that the difficulty of the Bitcoin network had increased for the third consecutive time in the last six weeks. The difficulty is now at an all-time high of around 46.84 bilions after increasing by 7.56% on March 23, 2023. On the same day, Bitcoin’s hashrate peaked at 400 exahash per second, representing an unimaginable four hundred quintillion hashes per second. Soon, Bitcoin’s hashrate will likely reach a single zettahash, which is equivalent to 1,000 EH/s or one sextillion hashes per second.

Després de Bitcoin’s hashrate rose to 400 EH/s, research analyst Sam Wouters at River Financial declarar que ha rebut nombroses consultes sobre l'augment. Wouters també va estimar que "a la taxa de creixement actual del 2023, arribaríem a un Zettahash a finals del 2025". Alguns han qüestionat si el creixement es deu als estats-nació o a les operacions mineres secretes que contribueixen a l'augment. Wouters va dir que troba "poc probable que el hashrate afegit provingui principalment d'estats-nació".

The analyst also acknowledged rumors of miners holding “significant inventories” of unused application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) miners. Wouters said that with BTC’s price increase, “more of this inventory has been able to go online.” The River Financial analyst also mentioned the use of hydro-powered ASIC units, which he said contribute “tremendous hashrate” and are estimated to have the highest average profitability at present. Wouters stated that he has written a reportar on what mining in the zettahash era will look like when Bitcoin reaches the 1 zettahash milestone.

L'analista de River Financial explica que l'augment actual de l'hashrate podria ser degut a una varietat de factors, com ara "l'inventari no utilitzat en línia", "nous models disponibles", "més instal·lacions que es posen en funcionament" i "empresaris intel·ligents que troben fonts de baix cost abans que els reguladors intervinguin". .” A l'estudi de Wouters de desembre de 2022, l'analista afirma que una estimació àmplia indica que actualment hi ha aproximadament entre 2.5 i 5 milions de miners ASIC en funcionament. La investigació mostra que, sense cap millora d'eficiència per als miners, es necessitarien uns 11.2 milions per suportar un hashrate d'1 zettahash.

What are your thoughts on the future of Bitcoin mining and its potential to reach the zettahash era? Do you think the industry will continue to see significant growth, or are there potential roadblocks that could hinder its progress? Share your opinions in the comments below.

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