Bitcoin Pizza Day: Celebrating The $300-Million Pizza Order – And Other Fun Facts

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Bitcoin Pizza Day: Celebrating The $300-Million Pizza Order – And Other Fun Facts

What a peculiar combination: bitcoin and pizza. Nonetheless, an entire day has been designated for each of these occasions. All of this is done in recognition of the innovations that crypto has brought to the world.

Des de la seva creació, les criptomonedes han dominat el panorama global de la moneda virtual, i ara tothom està minant aquesta moneda o busca invertir en cripto.

Els inversors i els empresaris busquen una oportunitat per comerciar amb criptomonedes des que el primer comerç de criptomonedes es va fer viral.

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Pizza: First Physical Item Bought Using Bitcoin

Previously, cryptos were not accepted as a form of payment, but after a man from Florida paid for his meal with bitcoins, this topic was all people could talk about.

Bitcoin Pizza Day commemorates the day in 2010 when Laszlo Hanyecz, a programmer and BTC miner from Florida, used the crypto to purchase two pizzas from Papa John’s. It occurs every year on May 22. It is the first physical item purchased with the first decentralized digital currency.

This is how the pizzas looked like at the time they were ordered in 2010 (Bitcoin Magazine).

10,000 BTC pagats per la pizza valen 300 milions de dòlars avui

Hanyecz va pagar 10,000 BTC per la seva famosa compra de pizza. Aquesta quantitat va valer uns 41 dòlars en aquell moment. El valor de la criptografia ha crescut ràpidament amb el temps. Actualment, 10,000 BTC estan valorats prop de 300 milions de dòlars.

Obviously, the value of these same bitcoins increased significantly during the subsequent decade. In fact, if Hanyecz had supposedly sold his whole hoard at bitcoin’s all-time high of $68,990, he would have earned around $690 million — enough to purchase 46 million large Papa John’s pizzas for $15 each.

Hanyecz told Anderson Cooper in a 2019 interview with CBS that the purchase “made [bitcoin] real for certain people. Indeed, it did for me.”

La comanda de pizza va acaparar els titulars

Because of the price of bitcoin, Hanyecz’s story became global in the United States, with The Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Slate, and TechCrunch joining TechCrunch and Slate in popularizing the transaction.

On the same anniversary of the first Bitcoin pizza order, festivities continue for what has become a staple of crypto culture.

Capital de mercat total de BTC a 557 milions de dòlars al gràfic del cap de setmana | Font:

És una celebració!

PizzaDAO, the decentralized blockchain project that aims to link pizza lovers around the world with the technological possibilities of Web3, is celebrating Bitcoin Pizza Day on Sunday in traditional fashion.

El grup realitzarà esdeveniments commemoratius a 100 punts de venda de pizzes de més de 75 països, inclosos Argentina, Austràlia, Canadà, Gran Bretanya, Corea del Sud i els Estats Units, per citar-ne alguns.

Bitcoin Pizza Day will also be celebrated by Huobi Global, one of the world’s biggest digital asset exchanges, with a special Primebox deal.

Del 19 al 29 de maig, els usuaris poden participar en la promoció Primebox de l'ocasió especial per tenir l'oportunitat de guanyar una part del conjunt de premis de 50 BTC i altres premis NFT.

Els números estan creixent

Mentrestant, més de 15,000 establiments a tot el món ja accepten criptomoneda com a pagament.

Pel·lícules, roba, bitllets de bàsquet, paquets d'avió, reserves d'hotels i videojocs es troben entre els articles que es poden comprar amb criptomoneda.

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