Bitcoin Plunges Below $20,000 Again As ECB Gears Up To Raise Rates ‘At A Faster Pace’

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Bitcoin Plunges Below $20,000 Again As ECB Gears Up To Raise Rates ‘At A Faster Pace’

El dimecres, Bitcoin fell as low as $19,899 following a risk-off by investors after a volatile New York session on Tuesday. Ethereum dipped by over 9% to $1,114 with other cryptos such as Solana and Shiba Inu plunging by over 10%. Technology stocks led the overnight carnage with the high beta Nasdaq 100 Index (NDX) dropping close to 4% before market close.

La forta caiguda es va desencadenar per una gran quantitat de factors, clau entre ells, una declaració del Banc Central Europeu President Christine Lagarde detailing a plan to go harder on inflation. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency investors have particularly been attentive to inflation rate decisions, with major asset classes balking at the prospects of further monetary tightening to tame soaring prices.

En el comunicat de dimarts, Lagarde va reiterar el seu compromís per alleujar la pressió inflacionista afirmant que, malgrat la incertesa econòmica subjacent, "el ritme de normalització dels tipus d'interès no es pot definir ex-ante".

En conseqüència, va afirmar que el banc tenia la intenció d'elevar els tres tipus d'interès clau en 25 punts bàsics durant la propera reunió del 21 de juliol després d'acabar el seu programa d'estímul a la compra de bons. L'última vegada que el banc va apujar els tipus d'interès a l'eurozona va ser el 2011. No obstant això, el cap del BCE va assenyalar que "si les perspectives d'inflació a mitjà termini persisteixen o es empitjoren, serà apropiat un increment més gran a la reunió de setembre", cosa que indica que més interessos. es podrien produir pujades de tarifes.

En els últims dos mesos, Bitcoin miners have also been abocant les seves recompenses amid plunging profitability and soaring energy prices. According to a report by Arcane Research, May witnessed the biggest sell-off by miners since 2020 with several publicly listed bitcoin mining firms offloading 100% of their May rewards. While dumping by miners has historically signaled the market is entering the final capitulation phase, efforts by miners to sell their BTC in large quantities could negatively affect the cryptocurrency’s price.

Gràfic BTCUSD de TradingView

Technically, although Bitcoin looks quite weak in the $20ks, there is so much hope by various analysts that the el preu podria augmentar from here. As of writing, Bitcoin is trading at 20,023 after losing over 4.53% in the past 24 hours. A break below the $20,000 and 2018’s high of $19,798 could trigger a deeper sell-off, potentially sending prices to sub-$17k.The sharp drop was triggered by a plethora of factors, key among them, a statement by the European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde

Font original: ZyCrypto