BitcoinL'Hashrate total de l'empresa baixa al desembre a mesura que els miners de BTC lluiten per obtenir beneficis

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BitcoinL'Hashrate total de l'empresa baixa al desembre a mesura que els miners de BTC lluiten per obtenir beneficis

Mentre que bitcoin prices have been lower than the estimated cost of bitcoin production, the network’s hashrate has dropped a great deal since mid-November. Presently, the total hashrate dedicated to the Bitcoin network is coasting along at 236 exahash per second (EH/s) after dropping below the 200 EH/s range six days ago.

Bitcoin’s Hashrate Slips Lower

The first week of November 2022 was brutal for digital currency prices as FTX’s collapse rippled across the entire industry in a negative fashion. Prior to the FTX fallout, bitcoin was trading above the $20K zone and the network’s total hashrate was coasting along at roughly 270 to 290 exahash per second (EH/s) before the blowout.

L'endemà que FTX es va declarar en fallida, es va produir una ràpida explosió de hashrate BTC’s total hashrate tapped an all-time high on Nov. 12, 2022. At block height 762,845, bitcoin miners managed to get the hashrate to briefly rise to a whopping 347.16 EH/s. Since then, the hashrate has divebombed and slid below the 200 EH/s range on Nov. 26.

Actualment, bitcoin miners have managed to rise above the 200 EH/s region, to the current 236 EH/s recorded at 10:15 a.m. (ET) on Dec. 2, 2022. The drop in hashrate indicates that unprofitable mining entities have been forced to shut down machines, while only the strong operators survive.

En el moment d’escriure, la estimat cost de bitcoin production ($16,956) is awfully close to the leading crypto asset’s spot market value ($16,897). Previously, the cost of bitcoin production was $18,313 on Nov. 30, which was significantly higher than BTCel valor de mercat al comptat de. Amb una caiguda BTC costos de producció, facilita la supervivència dels operadors actuals.

Bitcoin miners are also expecting a large mining difficulty reduction between 6.56% to 7.9% lower than today’s difficulty rating on or around Dec. 5, 2022. Presently, the estimated mining difficulty reduction could be la caiguda de dificultat més gran la xarxa ha vist l'any 2022. Des del 30 de novembre, fins al 2 de desembre de 2022, s'han eliminat aproximadament 80 exahash de poder hash del total de hashrate de la xarxa.

Què en penseu de l'estat actual Bitcoin’s hashrate? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

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