Close to 250 Casascius Physical Bitcoins Were Redeemed in 6 Months, $1.9B in BTC Remain Active

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Close to 250 Casascius Physical Bitcoins Were Redeemed in 6 Months, $1.9B in BTC Remain Active

Since September 18, 2021, close to 250 Casascius physical bitcoins were redeemed over the last 198 days. On that day six months ago, there were 19,920 Casascius physical bitcoins left active and today, there are approximately 19,676 left to peel.

19,676 Casascius Physical Bitcoins Left to Peel

During the last six months, approximately 244 Casascius physical bitcoins were redeemed for their digital value. The Casascius physical bitcoin col · lecció creat per Mike Caldwell és un dels físics més populars BTC col·leccions. Les monedes rares sovint es venen per més que el valor nominal digital i avui en dia, hi ha 19,676 monedes físiques que queden sense bescanviar o actives, segons estadístiques.

Each physical bitcoin has a different fraction of digital BTC, ja que algunes monedes porten 5 polzades BTC valor mentre que alguns en tenen un sol BTC. Caldwell also made gold bars with bitcoins loaded onto them like the popular Lingot d'or de 100 BTC. There are Casascius physical bitcoins that hold 25 BTC i fins i tot unitats que porten de 500 a 1,000 BTC. Per exemple, el 30 de març de 2022, un "S1-COIN-25" que val 25 BTC va ser pelat i redimit per un valor digital d'1.14 milions de dòlars.

The S1-COIN-25 also held 25 bitcoin efectiu (BCH) i 25 bitcoinsv (BSV), but those crypto assets have not been spent by the Casascius physical bitcoin owner. Five days prior, an “S2-COIN-5” was pelat i redimit per 5 BTC or $230K. That Casascius physical bitcoin owner also saved the 5 BCH i la 5 BSV, ja que no s'ha gastat. Tot i que queden actives 19,676 monedes físiques de la col·lecció Casascius, fins ara s'han bescanviat 8,262.

42,516 Bitcoin Worth $1.9 Billion Remain Loaded on Casascius Physical Bitcoins, Unfunded Coins Sell for a Pretty Penny

Tot i que avui queden uns quants centenars de monedes físiques menys de 20 sense pelar, el nombre no explica quant BTC queda sense redimir. N'hi ha aproximadament 42,516 BTC (UTXOs) left unredeemed on the 19,676 Casascius coins left unpeeled. According to today’s bitcoin (BTC) exchange rates, that’s $1.9 billion worth of bitcoin.

Furthermore, Casascius physical bitcoins usually sell for higher than the digital value on secondary markets. Even unloaded coins, with the digital funds swept away, can sell for a pretty penny these days. For instance, an unloaded 25 BTC físic bitcoin with the funds swept away is es ven per 21,000 dòlars a Ebay. In fact, it is hard to find a loaded Casascius physical bitcoin and there’s a slew of unfunded coins on the secondary market selling for collectible purposes only.

El 18 de setembre de 2021, n'hi havia aproximadament 43,000 BTC left unspent loaded on 19,920 Casascius physical bitcoins. Amb 42,516 BTC avui no ha estat redimit, això vol dir 484 BTC s'han bescanviat per valor de 22.2 milions de dòlars durant els darrers 198 dies.

What do you think about the fact that there are now 19,676 Casascius bitcoins left active today with 42,516 bitcoin left unredeemed? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

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