Coin Bureau anomena possibles "gemes futures", incloent Avalanche (AVAX), Heli (HNT) i dues Altcoins més

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Coin Bureau anomena possibles "gemes futures", incloent Avalanche (AVAX), Heli (HNT) i dues Altcoins més

A popular analyst known for taking deep dives into crypto projects is revealing a few altcoins that he thinks may soon be the future gems of the next bull market.

In a YouTube update, the pseudonymous host of Coin Bureau known as Guy revela that he plans to ride out the extended bear market cautiously as it’s shaping up to be a significant “crypto winter.”

“In terms of what moves I might make in the coming weeks and months, to be honest, chances are I’ll be sitting pretty tight.

These are tough and very uncertain times, and as such are better suited to holding back and taking the time to identify potential future gems.”

When it comes to the specific crypto projects on Guy’s radar, he says that he’s interested in layer-1 smart contract platform Allau (AVAX), decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) network Heli (HNT) and the lending and borrowing protocol Aviva (AAVE).

“I’m a big fan of Avalanche and I may be tempted to pick up some AVAX if the price falls to around the $10 mark.

I also love Helium as a project and I’ll be looking to add more to the HNT I already hold at some point in the future.

Aave is also a great project and I’m keeping an eye on its price action as well.”

The host goes on to say that he likes PAX Or as a “safe haven” digital asset because the PAXG token is backed by physical gold.

“I may also look to pick up some more PAXG if the world gets even more chaotic in the near future. PAXG is tokenized gold and a great way to get exposure to the shiny yellow stuff without actually having to buy physical gold.

I sold out of my PAXG a while ago to buy more BTC and ETH, but I can foresee maybe getting back into it to diversify my portfolio a bit more.

Safe-haven assets like gold are always worth keeping in mind and PAXG is for me a perfect marriage between gold and crypto.”

The Coin Bureau host concludes by reiterating his belief that the crypto bear market will continue for quite some time, and therefore he intends to do more research before making any future investments in the space.

“It’s too early, I think, to start making decisions on what to buy ahead of the next bull market.

As I’ve said many times before, we’re most likely stuck with the bear market for months or even years to come.”

Earlier this week, Guy also dit that crypto stalwarts Bitcoin (BTC) i Ethereu (ETH) accounted for 70% of his portfolio because they “will continue to be the two main pillars of the crypto market for the foreseeable future.”


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Imatge destacada: Shutterstock/svekloid

El lloc Coin Bureau anomena possibles "gemes futures", incloent Avalanche (AVAX), Heli (HNT) i dues Altcoins més aparèixer per primera vegada en El diari Hodl.

Font original: El diari Hodl