Colombians Take Legal Action Against Binance for Blocking Their Funds

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Colombians Take Legal Action Against Binance for Blocking Their Funds

An account blockade that happened more than five months ago due to money laundering issues has prompted some Colombian users of Binance to commence legal action against the exchange in the country. According to reports the funds blocked exceed $1 million, and after an investigation from the FIOD, the Netherlands’ anti-money laundering watchdog, the funds were linked to financial crimes.

Binance Account Blockage Prompts Legal Action in Colombia

Binance is facing legal issues in Colòmbia després de bloquejar els comptes d'un grup de ciutadans les activitats dels quals suposadament estaven vinculades a una investigació de blanqueig de capitals del FIOD, el Servei d'Investigació i Intel·ligència Fiscal dels Països Baixos. Segons informes, el valor de la criptomoneda bloquejada en aquests comptes suma més d'1 milió de dòlars, i els usuaris no poden moure els fons des de fa cinc mesos.

Alguns usuaris van assenyalar que han estat víctimes d'una confiscació de fons, com Jairo Velez, que va declarar:

I have been blocked since September 29, 2021. I already have five months without access to my funds. In my wallet they stole what I had and, according to Binance officials, the funds are held by the Dutch FIOD.

Jairo és un dels usuaris que ja ha començat a emprendre accions legals contra la plataforma, amb el seu advocat exigint l'alliberament dels fons. Segons les seves declaracions, aquests requisits van ser enviats a l'oficina de compliment de l'intercanvi, i encara no s'han donat resposta.

Altres colombians també afectats

But Velez was not the only one affected by the measures taken by Binance. Andrea Torrente, another Colombian user, suffered the same fate, with her funds being held in the same way. Binance informed Torrente that her funds were being held as the result of an investigation by Dutch authorities, with the support of a Dutch prosecutor.

Torrente has also started to take legal action against the exchange, notifying the local representative of Binance in Colombia without receiving any answer yet. Users are complaining about the lack of response from the exchange, with Torrente stating:

You ask them to give you the freezing order issued by the FIOD and they tell you to write to an email from the Dutch police. Almost six months ago we received the same response from Binance. They close our chats. They basically wash their hands.

No hi ha un nombre oficial de clients afectats per aquesta mesura, però alguns han creat un grup de Telegram per crear consciència del problema i coordinar accions contra l'intercanvi.

What do you think about the reported blockage and seizure of funds by Binance affecting some users in Colombia? Tell us in the comments section below.

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