Intercanvi de cripto Binance Afegeix Shiba Inu (SHIB) i altres tres Altcoins com a actius digitals verificables

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Intercanvi de cripto Binance Afegeix Shiba Inu (SHIB) i altres tres Altcoins com a actius digitals verificables

The world’s largest crypto exchange platform by volume is adding Shiba Inu (Shib) and three other altcoins to its list of verifiable crypto assets.

En una nova entrada al bloc de l'empresa, Binance diu its introducing zero-knowledge (zk) SNARKS, a verification method that keeps information secure, to its proof-of-reserves identification system.

Binance also says it’s adding four altcoins, including SHIB, Polkadot (DOT) i Ethereum (ETH) desafiant Solana (SOL), as well as fan token-focused crypto project Chiliz (CHZ).

“Continuing the efforts in providing transparency on user funds, Binance is excited to introduce zk-SNARKs, a zero-knowledge verification method that keeps sensitive information private and more secure, to its proof of reserves (POR) verification system.

In addition to the upgrade, four new tokens have been added to the system: SHIB, DOT, CHZ and SOL, bringing the total number of verifiable assets to 13 popular tokens on Binance".

D'acord amb Binance, investors can expect the firm to add more digital assets to its POR list in the coming weeks, as well as additional zk-SNARKs to bolster security.

"Binance plans to add more tokens to the POR system in the weeks ahead, and will continue to make the verification function more reliable, secure and private. This is the first version of our zk-SNARKs implementation and we are looking forward to receiving community feedback so we can continue to improve the system.”

Binance alliberat its proof of reserves list last November as a means of proving it had a one-to-one ratio of reserves to investor assets.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Jurgen Ziewe/Sensvector/karnoff

El lloc Intercanvi de cripto Binance Afegeix Shiba Inu (SHIB) i altres tres Altcoins com a actius digitals verificables aparèixer per primera vegada en El diari Hodl.

Font original: El diari Hodl