Entra a la casa vermella de Frida Kahlo: Decentraland està preparant "instal·lacions al·lucinants" per a la Setmana de l'Art Metaverse

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Entra a la casa vermella de Frida Kahlo: Decentraland està preparant "instal·lacions al·lucinants" per a la Setmana de l'Art Metaverse

The metaverse project Decentraland (MANA) has announced the lineup for its 3rd annual Metaverse Art Week titled The World is Made of Code, which includes “mind-bending” work from contemporary artists and contributions from a Ukrainian non-fungible token (NFT) project....
Read More: Enter Frida Kahlo's Red House: Decentraland is Preparing ‘Mind-Bending Installations' for Metaverse Art Week

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