Hoskinson s'apaga a SEC per donar Bitcoin Passatge gratuït injust mentre Cardano, altres s'enfronten a un escrutini

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Hoskinson s'apaga a SEC per donar Bitcoin Passatge gratuït injust mentre Cardano, altres s'enfronten a un escrutini

Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson has blasted the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s unfair crypto policy. His critique centred around the SEC’s classification of major cryptocurrencies as securities while Bitcoin was exempted.

Cardano Creator Says Bitcoin Is Not Decentralized

Cardano’s Charles Hoskinson has clashed with the Bitcoin community over the classification of cryptocurrencies as either commodities or securities.

En un AMA sincer sessió, Hoskinson challenged the crypto community to tell him why Bitcoin receives preferential treatment while other projects, including Cardano, face regulatory scrutiny.

“Explain to me the f****ng difference between Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Cardano, and the rest of the gang. Explain it to me. Like I’m five years old. Right now. Run the goddamn Howey test on it. Show me the difference between the two. Tell me,” the Cardano creator ranted.  

Hoskinson pointed out an expectation of profit from BTC investments by “orange pill moon boys”. He also questioned Bitcoin’s decentralization, arguing that the ascendant crypto is not as decentralized as many believe:

“If you subpoena about three different entities [the largest mining pools], you could perform a 51% attack on Bitcoin because that’s the way the hash power works. But it’s decentralized. And team orange get a complete [free] pass. It’s a pathetic f*****g joke.”

La comunitat reacciona

Blockstream CEO Adam Back delivered a sharp rebuttal to Hoskinson’s views on Bitcoin. esquena va assenyalar que Bitcoin did not conduct an initial coin offering and was mined from zero. In his opinion, Bitcoin is a commodity, while Cardano’s ADA and ETH “clearly” pass the Howey test.

Tanmateix, l'advocat pro-XRP John Deaton va defensar Hoskinson pel que fa a les seves preocupacions sobre les inconsistències normatives.

Deaton contended that the frustration expressed by Hoskinson would only irk Bitcoin maximalists. He creu la situació hauria de ser entesa objectivament per qualsevol que miri el panorama regulador actual de la criptomoneda als EUA. L'advocat dels titulars de XRP va desafiar l'enfocament de la SEC a la regulació criptogràfica, subratllant la necessitat de lleis de valors coherents i aplicades de manera coherent a tots els ecosistemes.

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