Rússia continua amb els esforços per legalitzar la criptografia enmig de les sancions a Ucraïna

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Rússia continua amb els esforços per legalitzar la criptografia enmig de les sancions a Ucraïna

Les autoritats de Rússia continuen treballant per establir un marc legal integral per a les transaccions criptogràfiques. Els esforços, que van començar abans de la invasió militar d'Ucraïna, continuen enmig d'advertiments que Moscou pot utilitzar criptomonedes per eludir les sancions financeres en expansió.

El Consell d'Experts es reuneix a Rússia per discutir la llei "sobre la moneda digital"

Attempts to legalize and regulate operations with cryptocurrencies are ongoing in Russia, despite the situation surrounding the military assault the Kremlin launched in neighboring Ukraine. An expert council supporting the crypto regulatory grup de treball at the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, is meeting today to review new legislation.

The members of the body will hold discussions on the draft law “On Digital Currency.” The bill was presentat by the Ministry of Finance and reflects its concept on the matter. Unlike the Central Bank of Russia, the treasury department favors legalizing the industry under strict rules. Its approach has been backed by the federal government and other institutions.

Bitnalog, un portal que assessora els russos sobre com pagar els seus impostos sobre els ingressos i els beneficis criptogràfics, ha publicat un anunci de la Duma a Telegram sobre la propera reunió. Originalment s'havia de fer divendres, però el punt de venda més tard va actualitzar els subscriptors del seu canal que s'havia reprogramat per al dissabte 5 de març.

In January, Bank of Russia proposat a blanket ban on most crypto-related activities, including use in payments, trading, and mining of digital currencies in the Russian Federation. The experts will now try to address its concerns, including highlighted risks for the country’s financial stability and the need to protect investors.

The renewed push to fill regulatory gaps remaining after the law “On Digital Financial Assets” went into force last year, comes amid advertències that Russia might try to use cryptocurrencies to circumvent international sanctions. These include expulsió of Russian banks from SWIFT i restringir access to cryptocurrency platforms for Russian users.

Meanwhile, Ukraine itself has been increasingly relying on cryptocurrencies to fund its defense efforts and solve humanitarian problems. Millions in digital assets have been donat to the government in Kyiv and volunteer groups. Shortly before hostilities began, the Ukrainian parliament adopted a law “On Virtual Assets” to regulate the country’s crypto space.

You can support Ukrainian families, children, refugees, and displaced people by donating BTC, ETH, and BNB to Binance Charity’s Ukraine Emergency Relief Fund.

Creus que Rússia accelerarà la legalització de les criptomonedes enmig de les sancions financeres? Comparteix les teves expectatives a la secció de comentaris a continuació.

Font original: Bitcoin.com