Trezor i Wasabi per implementar un esquema de barreja de coinjoin a les carteres de maquinari

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Trezor i Wasabi per implementar un esquema de barreja de coinjoin a les carteres de maquinari

This week, the hardware wallet manufacturer Trezor, and the non-custodial bitcoin wallet with a built-in Coinjoin mixer, Wasabi, revealed the two teams are working together to introduce Coinjoin mixing into hardware wallets. On Sunday, Wasabi tweeted “hardware wallet Coinjoins are coming next year with our friends at [Trezor].”

Trezor Says Company Is ‘Working on a Coinjoin Implementation’

D'acord amb Trezor i Wasabi, a form of Coinjoin mixing is coming to hardware wallets in the near future. Coinjoin is a privacy-enhancing process that is leveraged to anonymize transfers on a blockchain. Basically, the scheme involves a number of parties transacting together and mixing their unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) in a pool to obfuscate the origin of all the funds.

On Sunday, Wasabi’s official Twitter account tuiteó about adding the privacy-enhancing scheme to hardware wallets. In the thread, someone pregunta Wasabi when they would release an “album,” and Trezor respondre: “Hi, we’re working on a Coinjoin implementation, not an album. Thanks for understanding.”

The news follows the U.S. government sancionador l'ethereum (ETH) mixing application Efectiu Tornado, which also leverages a form of Coinjoin and Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge (zk-SNARKs) for deposits and withdrawals. In March 2022, informes indicated that some bitcoin unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) would be censored from Wasabi’s Coinjoin process.

Furthermore, at the end of February 2022, Chainalysis reclamat it could deanonymize Wasabi transactions, after the journalist Laura Shin dit she identified the infamous 2016 DAO hacker. Coinjoin applications have been known to have some weaknesses for bastant temps and a few blockchain mixing schemes have leveraged zero-knowledge proofs like zk-SNARKs and combinatorial anonymity per fer-los més forta.

What do you think about Wasabi and Trezor working together to introduce Coinjoin mixing to hardware wallets? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

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