US Banking Giant Morgan Stanley Dramatically Increasing Grayscale Bitcoin Trust Investment

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US Banking Giant Morgan Stanley Dramatically Increasing Grayscale Bitcoin Trust Investment

Banking giant Morgan Stanley is significantly increasing its holdings of the digital currency investment product Grayscale Bitcoin Confiança (GBTC).

GBTC gives institutional investors exposure to Bitcoin (BTC), and to date Grayscale has $36.6 billion in assets under management.

Citing information from Morgan Stanley’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), market analyst MacroScope reports that the financial giant is ramping up shares of three of its funds with the largest GBTC holdings. 

In new SEC filings, Morgan Stanley has disclosed a dramatic increase in Bitcoin exposure in its asset management business.

Earlier this year, Morgan reported buying Grayscale BTC in a large number of investment funds. For the three funds with the largest Grayscale holdings…

- MacroScope (@ MacroScope17) Novembre 24, 2021

The bank’s Global Opportunity Portfolio, which held 919,805 shares back on June 30th, now has 1,463,714 shares as of September 30th.

The Insight Fund also sees an increase in GBTC holdings from 928,051 to 1,520,549 shares.

The Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund’s Growth Portfolio has the highest increase in investment, from 2,130,153 shares in the previous quarter to 3,642,118 at the end of the third quarter.

Global Opportunity Portfolio (as of June 30): 919,805
Global Opportunity Portfolio (as of Sept 30): 1,463,714 shares

Other Morgan funds that own Grayscale BTC also showed large percentage increases.

View all the new filings here:

- MacroScope (@ MacroScope17) Novembre 24, 2021

Morgan Stanley també duplicat the number of its GBTC shares earlier this year.

The firm’s Europe Opportunity Fund saw a 105% increase in the number of GBTC shares from April to July.

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Imatge destacada: Shutterstock / Art Furnace

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