‘Hundreds Of Billions, If Not Trillions’ Set To Flow Into Bitcoin As US Inflation Hits 7% For First Time In Nearly 40 Years

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‘Hundreds Of Billions, If Not Trillions’ Set To Flow Into Bitcoin As US Inflation Hits 7% For First Time In Nearly 40 Years

U.S inflation rate just hit 7% — the highest in 40 years. The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report spurred a >3% and 4.5% rebound in price value for Bitcoin and Ethereum, moving their unit value above to $43,000 and $3,300. 

Er bod tueddiadau'r gorffennol yn awgrymu mai'r farchnad aur $ 11 triliwn yw'r dewis gorau ar gyfer gwrych cryf yn erbyn dibrisiant doler, mae ymateb y farchnad crypto i chwyddiant cyfredol yn datgelu parodrwydd llawer i droi at cryptocurrencies y tro hwn.

This is especially true for many middle-to-high income citizens looking to protect their cash balances and near-liquid investments against value erosion. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the likes with over 160% value growth in 2021, now stand a better chance as a suitable alternative against fiat value loss for the average American investor.

Mae'r siart Mynegai Prisiau Defnyddwyr diweddaraf yn datgelu ynni (33.3%) fel achos mwyaf y chwyddiant, wedi'i ddilyn gan dai (4.1%), prisiau bwyd (>6%), cerbydau, a gwasanaethau gofal meddygol (>2%). Mae'r Unol Daleithiau wedi profi prinder gasoline cynyddol ers i Biden gau archwilio lleol o blaid mewnforio.

Mesurau Rheoli Llym Arfaethedig Ffed

The US Federal Reserve System disclosed in November that it expected a further increase and has already earmarked steps to put such a surge in check. Key among these steps is the hiking of interest rates to cut back on increased borrowing during the period.

Soniodd y corff rheoleiddio hefyd y gallai gael gwared ar dalp sylweddol o fondiau a ddelir gan y llywodraeth hyd at $8 triliwn i godi arian dros ben gan y cyhoedd. 

Mae'r Ffed, fodd bynnag, wedi honni dro ar ôl tro bod cryptocurrencies yn asedau peryglus. Gyda'r potensial i ddinasyddion symud i asedau cripto, efallai y bydd yn dewis rhyddhau ei gronfeydd wrth gefn mantolen, gan yrru cynnyrch y Trysorlys yn uwch a denu buddsoddwyr i ffwrdd o cryptos.

Gwrychoedd Crypto: Tuedd gynyddol

According to Glassnode, the latest increase brings temporary relief for Bitcoin, which has seen a drought of retail investors since last month. The current downtrend had left many recent investors anchored around the $52,000 resistance, below the water on their investment capital.

With the predicted rise in inflation rates, many like MicroStrategy’s Michael Saylor who maintains that BTC Will Be a $100 Trillion Market Cap Asset have argued that Bitcoin is matured to serve as a hedge against the dollar, at par with gold.

Mae'r gwrthwynebwyr yn credu bod y sefyllfa hon yn dal yn rhy gynnar i'w hadrodd gyda'i risg uchel a'i chyfnewidioldeb, sydd wedi gwneud i biliwnyddion hen amser ei ddileu fel ased hapfasnachol yn unig.

Ffynhonnell wreiddiol: ZyCrypto