Edward Snowden Reveals 2013 NSA Leak Was Facilitated Using Bitcoin

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Edward Snowden Reveals 2013 NSA Leak Was Facilitated Using Bitcoin

Ο πληροφοριοδότης Έντουαρντ Σνόουντεν το επανέλαβε Bitcoin helped him to uncover massive and undue spying of the public by the National Security Agency and CIA in 2013. Despite being vocal about Bitcoin, Snowden says he did not just realize BTC recently having used it back in 2013 to pay for servers he used to leak the NSA spying dossier.

Snowden was responding to concerns by some bitcoin who feel he isn’t well acquainted with the cryptocurrency conception and the upsets that he is always fronting Bitcoin. He goes ahead to reveal that people with a secret financial interest in CBDCs sometimes do smear campaigns against Bitcoin.

“There is a strain of wealthy VC-guy who pretends to do you a favor by “warning” against Bitcoin or whatever while hyping centralized garbage-coins that they coincidentally happen to own an enormous stake in. If you ever make it, don’t be that guy. If you are that guy, change.” 

Ο Σνόουντεν είναι ένας ειλικρινής επικριτής των λεγόμενων ψηφιακών νομισμάτων της κεντρικής τράπεζας (CBDC) which he agrees with many are government machinery meant to limit the usage of public cryptocurrencies and curtail freedom of money, and not to complement the Bitcoin agenda as some people see it. However, his persistent and outspoken criticism of Bitcoin on privacy issues, for instance, saying even the last week’s Taproot upgrade actually worsens privacy of the cryptocurrency, has not sounded so well to many people who champion Bitcoin.

According to Snowden, privacy coins that are alternative to Bitcoin have poor traction given that they are regularly delisted by exchanges to keep them down. However, since these exchanges cannot afford to delist Bitcoin, it is best placed to help solve the online privacy menace if developers would prioritize privacy. But they do not, he stated.  

The whistleblower is quoted, however, as saying that he likes Bitcoin and crypto because of the free nature of these forms of money and the impartiality of the transactions they facilitate. That centralized banks are not involved in these transactions will help boost the privacy of online transactions and communications.

Το 2013, ο Σνόουντεν –τότε ζούσε στις ΗΠΑ και εργαζόταν για τη CIA ως υπεργολάβος– διέρρευσε πολλά έγγραφα και πληροφορίες που αποκάλυπταν ότι η NSA πειρατεία και συγκέντρωνε προσωπικά δεδομένα χρηστών από τηλέφωνα και διαδικτυακούς λογαριασμούς χρηστών σε μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης όπως το Facebook και πλατφόρμες email όπως Το Gmail παραβιάζει το απόρρητο των χρηστών, άλλοτε με μυστικές δικαστικές εντολές και άλλοτε φερόμενο ως χωρίς δικαστικές εντολές. Τώρα ζει στη Ρωσία με προσωρινή άδεια παραμονής αφού μετακόμισε από τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες για να ζητήσει άσυλο.

Πρωτότυπη πηγή: ZyCrypto