Tulemas Bitcoin Krüptoanalüütik Nicholas Merten ütleb, et ebatõenäoline, et katalüsaator on poole võrra väiksem – miks

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Tulemas Bitcoin Krüptoanalüütik Nicholas Merten ütleb, et ebatõenäoline, et katalüsaator on poole võrra väiksem – miks

Crypto analyst Nicholas Merten believes Bitcoin's (BTC) järgmine poolitamine ei sütita uuenenud pulliturgu, mida paljud kauplejad ja analüütikud ootavad.

Uues videovärskenduses ütleb Merten oma 512,000 2024 YouTube'i tellijale, et erinevalt paljudest teistest analüütikutest ei usu ta, et XNUMX. aastal toimuv BTC poolitamine tekitaks tohutut rallit nagu eelmised, sest selle mõju uutele pakkumistele ei ole piisav katalüsaator. .

Bitcoin halvings occur every four years, cutting BTC mining rewards in half BTC and therefore reducing the amount of new supply entering the market. The next one is expected on April 15th.

Ütleb Merten,

“There’s a big misconception here. That halving reduction, while it is technically declining the inflation rate in half, the problem is that inflation rate reduction in nominal terms – in real actual impact of terms – is getting weaker and weaker and weaker over time. And this also explains why Bitcoin has had diminishing returns over time. It doesn’t expand as rapidly as it has in the past.”

The next halving will reduce miner rewards from about 6.25 Bitcoin ploki kohta 3.125-ni Bitcoin per block. Merten says that since the value of the reduction is relatively small compared to the BTC’s total market cap, he doubts it could spark a major rally.

“That is going to mean 164,250 less Bitcoin minted every year, or $4.4 billion at current market rates of Bitcoin hitting the spot market, potentially for miners selling it in order to cover their operational expenses for electricity, for the computer hardware…

If we take it to a daily timeframe, that’s 450 Bitcoin less per day, or essentially at current market rates $12 million dollars less of potential sell side pressure. May sound like a lot here, something that even could kick off a new bull market. But while these numbers might sound very big, when we consider them against the valuation and the size of Bitcoin as a market, it starts to not look so optimistic.

Just consider Bitcoin’s market cap here and take a look at the current valuation of it as an asset, rather than the entire crypto market. Bitcoin right now is sitting at a $523 billion market cap, nearly more than half a trillion dollars in market capitalization. So, if we take that $4.4 billion figure, which sounds like a lot, we really start to realize that it’s not even a percentage of Bitcoin. "

Bitcoin kaupleb kirjutamise ajal 26,776 dollariga.

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Postitus Tulemas Bitcoin Krüptoanalüütik Nicholas Merten ütleb, et ebatõenäoline, et katalüsaator on poole võrra väiksem – miks ilmus esmalt Daily Hodl.

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