Miks ma olen juba Nostri maksimalist

By Bitcoin Ajakiri - 4 kuud tagasi - lugemisaeg: 12 minutit

Miks ma olen juba Nostri maksimalist

After being inspired by a podcast koos Preston Pysh and Will Casarin in January of 2023 I experienced my first interaction with ‘the nostr’ using a rather clunky interface. Since that time, nostr has gradually become more user friendly and an increasingly meaningful part of my life. I have now deleted all other social media accounts in favor of this blossoming decentralized alternative. My slow exodus away from centralized social media started over ten years ago, but the formation of a functional substitute was the final nail in the coffin. Making the jump at such an early stage may have been premature, but after two months using both nostr and Twitter I chose to make the transition permanent. I’ve written this article to explain my reasoning and provide an assessment of the nostr network as I understand it today.

Nobody is in charge of nostr, I have no one to ask if NOSTR should be capitalized or lowercase. I also have not reached a definitive conclusion regarding how it should be pronounced. Frankly it wouldn’t matter if anyone had an opinion about either of those things. Nostr is what the users and developers make it. Nostr is not a website and it is not a company. Nostr does not rely on a blockchain to function and there are no central servers dictating who can participate in the network. With the exception of shared interest and lightning ‘zap’ integration, it is independent from Bitcoin. Those who already understand Bitcoin seem to have an easier time wrapping their head around the importance of nostr, but I have also met several non-bitcoin who are passionate about what is being built.

Nostr is a protocol which is designed to have applications built on top of it, or rather to interface with it. Users are free to choose from dozens of applications (clients) to access the protocol. The client they choose determines the nature of the user experience. The name NOSTR is an acronym for Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relay. The functionality of the protocol is in the name, but I will not be diving into the technicalities here. I also will not be discussing the pros and cons of the various clients used to access nostr. Though that would be a helpful resource if someone would like to write that up!

Vabadusele keskendunud tehnoloogia mittetehnilise entusiastina osalesin 2023. aasta novembris Nostrasias ühe peamise küsimusega; "Milliseid rakendusi ei saa nostril paljundada?" Praegu on liiga palju tundmatuid, et sellele lõplikult vastata, kuid minu arusaam nostrist ja selle võimalikest rakendustest laienes Tokyos viibimise ajal dramaatiliselt. Konverentsil arutati peaaegu kõigi võimalike rakenduste detsentraliseeritud versioone. Twitter, Twitch, Youtube, Reddit, Spotify, Maps, Amazon, GitHub, Goodreads ja teised. Ükski neist detsentraliseeritud alternatiividest ei ole nende teenuste koopiad. Paljudel juhtudel näib neil olevat potentsiaali saada veelgi paremateks versioonideks tänu välkintegratsioonile ja avatud lähtekoodiga kasutaja sisendile.

Mõnikord olen mõelnud, kas sellest, mida ehitatakse, saab lõpuks kogu Interneti uus detsentraliseeritud versioon. Mis puudutab praegusi piiranguid, siis peamine väljakutse, mida ma kuulsin, et nostrasias arutatakse, on signaali või telegrammi jaoks nostri ekvivalendi loomine. Privaatset krüptitud vestlust võib SimpleX-i sarnaselt paremini adresseerida. Praegu on ebaselge, kas arenduses olevad rakendused on edukad või skaleeritavad, kuid arvestades edenemist, mida olen ruumis pärast liitumist näinud, olen entusiastlik.

Jättes kõrvale optimismi, on hüpoteetiliselt võimalik, et nostr ei püsi piisavalt kaua, et täita ühtegi praegu pakutud julget eesmärki. Ees ootab palju rahalisi ja tehnilisi väljakutseid. Võimalik, et tegin vea, pannes kõik oma nostrichi munad ühte korvi. See valik ei sobi kõigile ja ma hindan seda täielikult. Kuid olles aastaid oodanud sotsiaalmeedia detsentraliseeritud ja avatud lähtekoodiga alternatiivi, olen nõus võtma selle tehnoloogia varajase kasutuselevõtuga seotud riski. Tahaksin pigem kogeda lihvimata kasutajaliidest ja potentsiaalselt kogeda palju pettumust, kui jätkata oma energia suunamist süsteemi, mida pean iganenuks.

Iga valikuga kaasneb risk. Varahalduse puhul on finantskapitali halva jaotamise riskil drastilised ja püsivad tagajärjed. Sotsiaalmeedia puhul on sotsiaalse kapitali halva jaotamise oht märgatav, kuid palju vähem dramaatiline. Tõde on see, et tsentraliseeritud sotsiaalmeediaplatvormi kasutades olete juba ohverdanud kontrolli oma kulutatud sotsiaalse kapitali üle. See sait võib igal hetkel muuta oma eeskirju viisil, mis mõjutab teid negatiivselt, või nad võivad teie konto oma äranägemise järgi kustutada. Kõik ühendused ja sisu, mille olete nendel platvormidel arendanud, ripuvad megakorporatsioonide ja valitsuse sekkumise kapriisi. Mina isiklikult usun rohkem avatud lähtekoodi kui inimasutustesse.

Nostri identiteedi loomisel kujundatakse teie jaoks avatud lähtekoodiga Interneti-maagia abil krüptograafiline allkiri (niipalju kui minu mõistus suudab kindlaks teha). Sellel allkirjal on privaatne ja avalik võti, mida nimetatakse vastavalt nsec ja npub. Npub näeb välja nagu allolev ja seda saab kasutada teiste kasutajate leidmiseks:

npub1jfn4ghffz7uq7urllk6y4rle0yvz26800w4qfmn4dv0sr48rdz9qyzt047 (add me 🧡🫂💜)

The npub is a novel form of online identification which is not required to be linked to your meatspace identity in any way. The nsec is used to sign in to new clients and to prove that you are the owner of the account; similar to bitcoin private keys. This key pair can be used anywhere in the nostrverse to prove that you are a particular individual or account. Follows, followers, and posted content are associated with a npub through the relays that npub is using. This means that if you are interested in trying out a new client or migrating away from the one you are using you may do this without any loss of connections or content.

See uudne lähenemine võrguidentiteedile ja andmete salvestamisele loob rakendusi loovatele arendajatele palju konkurentsivõimelisema ruumi, kuid võimaldab ka koostalitlusvõimet. Kaks kriitilist tegurit, mis tänasel sotsiaalmeedia maastikul üldse puuduvad. Praegused sotsiaalmeedia behemotid toetuvad tõsiasjale, et lahkumine on keeruline ja platvormidevaheline suhtlemine on keeruline. Kustutasin aastaid tagasi oma Facebooki ja sain mitu kuud meile teemal "Nii-ja-nii igatseb sind!" Vaadake, mida nad hiljuti postitasid.’ Loomulikult oleksin sisu vaatamiseks sunnitud uuesti sisse logima. Julge ja meeleheitlik emotsionaalne manipuleerimine oli kõhule liiast. Nostril on potentsiaal hävitada müüriga ümbritsetud aiamudel, kus teie digitaalset elu hoitakse reklaamitulu ja andmete kogumise eest pantvangis.

Lisaks pärand sotsiaalmeedia struktuuriprobleemidele on selge, et veebitsensuur on järsult kasvanud. Ükskõik kui teile võib tunduda tsensuur, kui see juhtub kellegagi, kellega te ei nõustu, teile ei meeldi, kui tsensorid teie poole pöörduvad. Mõned inimesed hindavad tsensuuri, sest seal on palju sisu, mida nad pigem ei näeks. Isiklikult tahaksin selle valiku pigem ise teha, kui et mõni näotu, ilma klienditeenindusliinita korporatsioon selle minu eest teeks.

Ultimately the social media giants have been placed in an impossible position. Legislators will not stop pushing them to maintain the Overtoni aken in their favor. Whether a social media provider wishes to be a propaganda tool or not, the nature of any centralized platform will ensure that it becomes one. Centralized dissemination of what is ‘appropriate content’ and what is considered ‘misinformation’ will inevitably narrow the scope of human understanding to a point where self-censorship is the norm. To a large extent this has already happened.

Some believe that misinformation is the most dangerous aspect of the internet. Allowing people to communicate freely in an open marketplace of ideas is too much to bear for these people. They feel the need to control what people say and by extension control what people think. This fear based need for control over the population does not align with my values. Despite the inevitable failure of such approaches in the age of the internet, we will likely see an increase in attempts to KYC (know-your-customer) everyone on centralized networks. The social credit system in China has provided the world with a case study to be weary of. When your bank card gets declined at the grocery store for a meme you re-posted on Xitter don’t say I didn’t warn you. Have I already become a toxic nostr maxi?... Maybe. 🧡🫂💜

Michel Foucault’s writings on disciplinary power outline a methodology towards an essentially non-violent oppression of the masses. Looking at his conceptualization and the current state of affairs in the social media landscape, I have a difficult time telling them apart. The final result of such a system is a society in which authentic connection and genuine behavior become impossible. Physical prisons are only one form of enslavement. The true prison of the dystopian future manifests inside the mind of the individual. Bitcoiners who have watched their personal time preference expand understand this intuitively.

There are people in the bitcoin community who see nostr as a distraction and there are people in the nostr community who see bitcoin as an impediment to adoption. All I see is a massive synergistic upward spiral between the orange badger and the purple ostrich. These two protocols feed each other and enable uued kasutusjuhud which culminate in something much greater than the two independent parts. Bitcoin is essential for shifting the world away from debt slavery into proof of work. Nostr is essential for shifting the world away from top down dissemination of information to a free market of content. In this way the two technologies are ideologically aligned with volunteerism and personal liberty.

sild bitcoin would agree that financial freedom is essential in maintaining one’s personal agency. However, without the ability to communicate freely the new found financial liberation is handicapped. The ability to reliably coordinate commerce and correspond in a peer-to-peer fashion is much more essential than many seem to acknowledge at this moment. Additionally, the reason the fiat system is so potent in its deception is not exclusively a result of the accountants and politicians engaged in the fraud. The real strength of the fiat leviathan is a function of global propaganda efforts to maintain the perpetual delusion. If hyperbitcoinization occurs and the propaganda apparatus remains in place, most people are unlikely to benefit from its liberating qualities. In order for the full impact of bitcoin to take root on this planet we will also need a means of sharing information openly and efficiently.

All of this rhetoric is a bit grandiose for the moment given that the estimates I have received regarding daily active users ranges around 10,000. It could be that this article and the protocol itself will age poorly, but many of the concepts in this article will remain relevant to the importance of a decentralized method of mass communication. If nostr fails, something will take its place. Given the development I have witnessed so far, I would be surprised to see nostr fall flat. The protocol is drawing in talent and checking off bounties at an exponential rate. As the bitcoin price increases I anticipate this trend to continue. Those who believe that bitcoin is a distraction to nostr underestimate the electromagnetism of the bull market. Those who believe that nostr is a distraction from bitcoin didn’t meet the former ethereum dev at nostrasia who became a bitcoiner because of nostr. The purple pill helps the orange pill go down.

Subjektiivsemal tasandil olen märganud nostril oluliselt paremat kasutajakogemust kui pärandsüsteemis. Mõju on nii tugev, et võin öelda, et mu vaimne tervis on pärast Twitterist lahkumist märgatavalt paranenud. Sellele täiustusele võin omistada mitu muutujat. Ärritavate algoritmide puudumine, kogukonna, kellega ma suhtlen, üldine suurus, selle kogukonna jagatud huvid või teadlik arusaam, et mul on vabadus öelda, mida tahan. Mis iganes see ka pole, pole ma ainuke, kes on märganud nostril palju paremat vibe.

Olen märganud, et mõned populaarsed Twitteri kontod pole nostris nii populaarsed olnud ja mõned vähemtuntud kontod on saanud tuntust. Mul on praegu rohkem jälgijaid kui Twitteris (ilmatu 1400). Mõned Twitteri suuremad kontod jagavad nostris isiklikumal tasemel kui suuremas foorumis. Need efektid ei pruugi võrgustiku kasvades nii jääda, kuid praegu on tunne, et mõned minu lemmikinimesed on kättesaadavamad ja mugavamad, et neid nostri kogukonnaga avalikult jagada.

Earlier in my bitcoin journey I was of the opinion that the greater diversity of viewpoints I could interact with, the more comprehensive my understanding of the world would become. I was cautious of ending up in a filter bubble or an echo chamber of certain niche opinions. As time went on I made a point to exclusively follow people on twitter who were outspokenly ‘Bitcoin Only’. This provided a simple heuristic for me to narrow my field of interactions to people who had put in enough work to jump the hurdle out of the clown coin casino. I remain realistic about the possibility that I have intentionally manufactured confirmation bias in my online experience, but with the impending AI boom it will become increasingly difficult to remain in an unfiltered social pool.

By narrowing my online interactions to a specific group I run the risk of missing out on unique opinions, but so far this pruning has continuously increased the signal in my feed while reducing the noise. The scope of nuanced perspectives between bitcoin on nostr has provided me with plenty to consider and learn from. In any case I still get a daily dose of intellectual debris to sort through from the normies I talk to in meatspace. When it comes to my online life, I concluded I would rather spend time getting to know this merry band of internet pioneers than stay connected to the rest of the traditional social media system.

Some have suggested that by leaving legacy social media I might be surrendering to irrelevance and obscurity. Personally I see the exodus of bitcoin from Xitter gradually culminating in that network fading into irrelevance. I give credit to those of you who remain in the fray to fight the good fight, but my days engaging in that digital mosh pit are over. While my own learning process was accelerated by debates on Twitter, nine times out of ten I don’t see productive outcomes from online arguments. What I have found productive and rewarding has been interacting with people who are passionate enough about freedom to roll the dice on this new protocol.

On väga tõenäoline, et iga inimene, kes on selle liikumise alguses, on häiritud. Pikemas perspektiivis toetame aga tehnoloogiat, mis annab tulevastele põlvedele vabaduse valida, kui palju privaatsust nad säilitavad ja kui palju teavet nad maailmaga jagavad. Võimaldame tuleviku, kus inimestel on vabadus olla nii autentsed, kui nad tahavad, ilma kunstlike piiranguteta inimliku väljenduse ulatusele.

2023. aastal nostril olemine tundub nagu enne mängu mängimist suurim internetipidu, mida maailm on kunagi näinud. Helisüsteemis on vigu, dekoratsioonid on veel pooleli ja keegi ei tea kindlalt, kas keegi veel kohale ilmub, kuid tuju on üleval. Olen sageli võrdsustanud selliseid saite nagu Xitter ja F-book jabura sukeldumisbaariga, mida kõik külastavad ainult seetõttu, et kõik käivad seal. Seda enam, et nad viskavad inimesi välja, joodavad jooke maha ja tõstavad hindu; seda rohkem nad oma kliente taga ajavad. Ma ei kirjutanud seda artiklit selleks, et kedagi häbistada või sundida neid ühinema, kuid kui see sütitas sinus sädeme lisateabe saamiseks, oli mu eesmärk täidetud. Siin pole kiiret, kuid kui otsustate, et olete status quost tüdinenud, ootame teid avasüli.

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