Bitcoin Kogukonna loomise sihtasutusena

By Bitcoin Ajakiri - 7 kuud tagasi - lugemisaeg: 8 minutit

Bitcoin Kogukonna loomise sihtasutusena

Community is crucial and that never has been clearer to me than it was this last month, as wildfires claimed 10,000 hectares of the area around my home, leaving many people with nothing except the clothes they were wearing when they escaped.

Tippajal kustutasid meie tulekahju tuletõrjujad üle kogu Portugali. Üle tuhande mehe, 400 paaritu tuletõrjeautot ja 14 lennukit said lõpuks võidu. Vaatasime tohutut suitsuvoogu ja keegi meist ei maganud palju nelja öö jooksul, mil see põles, vaadates, kuidas taevas valgustab lähenevat oranži kuma. Selle kiiluvees, nüüd, kui tuletõrjujad on täitnud kangelasliku ülesande – tulidraakoni tapmine, on esiplaanile tõusmas kogukonna jõud.

Amongst the local small businesses, there is an almost festive atmosphere. Stories of last minute escapes are shared by those affected, damages are compared. Together, we take reckoning of what has been lost and celebrate the small victories over the fire. A home saved here, a family reunited with their livestock and pets there, a house not touched by the flames even though everything around it has burned.

People have poured in from far and wide to volunteer. Donations of food, clothing and household items are piled high against the back wall of a local restaurant and shared out amongst those who need them. Gender roles seem to be falling naturally into place amongst the volunteers, with the men mostly taking the heavy tasks of clearing scorched earth and charred trees to clear the way for people to start rebuilding and the women cooking for the teams of men and the families who have lost their homes. Now, a month on from the fire, the progress is very visible. Fallen roofs have been shovelled up and cleared, structures checked and cleaned in preparation for placing new beams and rebuilding. The melted pipes of irrigation systems have been pulled out of the ground and taken away. Personal possessions have been sifted through and what can be saved has been secured. We have received excellent information sessions on how to go about managing burned land, what to clear, what to leave, how to prevent land erosion and when and how to start replanting. With the first rain of the autumn coming in strong, the first sign of green is already showing again all over the blackened landscape.

A dear friend of mine, herself a dedicated bitcoiner, put it beautifully in a message to me when I told her how overwhelming it is to see people coming together this way. “This is what people do when they govern themselves,” she wrote, “It’s beautiful.”

Kunagi pole öeldud tõesemaid sõnu. Ma arvan, et ma pole kunagi varem näinud, et kogukond oleks nii sujuvalt sisse libisenud. Riikides – nagu enamik Euroopa riike –, kus valitsused veel vähemalt mingil määral toimivad (võib vaielda, toimimise üle), tundub, et paljud inimesed on ühendusega ühenduse kaotanud. Kuigi kirikud oleksid olnud selle ühenduse nurgakivid, ei ole enamik inimesi enam seotud ühegi usuühendusega ja kui küsida neilt nende kogukonna või „hõimu” kohta, kobab enamik vastuseid. Nad räägivad grupist, mis koosneb lõdvalt töökaaslastest, spordisõpradest, sõpradest, kes ei pruugi olla lähedal, ja naabritest, kellega nad jagavad enamasti juhuslikku lähedust. Meie ühiskondade kude on nüüd avatud ja paljud inimesed lihtsalt libisevad sellest läbi isolatsiooni, hoides siin-seal kinni vaid mõnest niidist.

Ajaloolisest ja sotsioloogilisest vaatenurgast on kogukonna kaotus sügavalt murettekitav. Inimesed ei moodustanud kogukondi lõbu pärast. Me ei koondunud kokku, sest oli lõbusam jahti pidada või sõbraga lossi valli mehitada (kuigi ilmselt oli see ka seda). Inimesed on kogu inimkonna ajaloo jooksul, olenemata ajastust või geograafilisest asukohast, rühmitanud, sest koos oleme ja oleme alati olnud turvalisemad, tõhusamad ja võimelisemad meie konteksti meie kasuks mõjutama, olgu selleks siis tulekahju või vaenlase rünnak. või poliitiline ülekoormus. Riskides kõlada poliitilise loosungina, oleme koos tõesti tugevamad.

Naised mängivad traditsiooniliselt otsustavat rolli kogukondade loomisel ja sidumisel, peamiselt seetõttu, et nad on sotsiaalselt ja bioloogiliselt väga motiveeritud seda tegema – naise esimene kaitsja iseenda ja oma laste eest on loomulikult tema mees –, kuid peale tema või tema puudumisel on see tema naine. kogukond, mis on tema teine ​​kaitseliin ja millele ta loodab ohutuse tagamiseks ja abi vajavatel aegadel. Võib veenvalt väita, et kogukonna lagunemine on vähemalt osaliselt vastutav depressiooni ja ärevuse hüppeliselt kasvava statistika eest igas vanuses naiste, kuid eriti Põhja-Euroopa ja USA nooremate põlvkondade seas. Sotsiaalmeedia näib kopeerivat kogukonda jälgijate hordidena, kuid asendusena see lihtsalt ei lõika, pakkudes tõelise sideme asemel ainult dopamiinisõltuvust. Vaimse tervise vaatenurgast on kogukonna kaotus sama katastroofiline kui ajaloolise ja sotsioloogilise objektiivi kaudu vaadatuna.

Ilmselgelt ei ole selle katastroofilise majanduslanguse suhtes haavatavad mitte ainult naised. Kõigi sugude lõikes muudab statistika halva vaimse tervise, sealhulgas isolatsiooni, depressiooni, enesetappude ja sõltuvuste kohta lugemise ja nende sagenemise masendavaks, hoolimata sellest, et enamiku arenenud maailma inimeste elamine muutub veelgi lihtsamaks. See on kogukonna puudumine, mis jätab inimeste ellu sellise tühimiku, ennekõike tunde puudumine, et nad panustavad oma isiklikust heaolust suurema eesmärgi saavutamisse. See on võib-olla naiivne, kuid ma ei saa jätta muljet, et kohalike kogukondade aktiivsel asutamisel ja kasvu stimuleerimisel võib olla meie kollektiivse heaolu jaoks uskumatult taastav potentsiaal.

Which is just one of the reasons that it is so incredibly heartening to see a community here in full strength, drawing together to support and provide for one another, each member contributing what they have to offer. For some it’s money, which is being channelled straight into providing emergency relief or donated to the people whose livelihood was dependent upon their home. For others, it’s muscle and machine power, in chainsawing, clearing and cleaning. A few people have dedicated their time to coordinating the influx of volunteers. For those of us who have no idea how to wield a chainsaw and whose lack of muscle power threatens to make us more of a hindrance than a help on the front line of the clear up, it’s kitchen duty, providing food for those working and those in need. That community is vital on all the levels of Maslow’s pyramid of human needs is clearly exemplified in the wake of our fire.

Kuid kuidas taaskehtestada kogukonna seemneid ja juuri mujale, kus ühise usu ja konkurentsivõimeliste sotsiaalsete suhete kaotamisega kõigis eluvaldkondades on see nii kaua kadunud? Kas me saame üksikisikutena ja peredena seda kasvu soodustada?

As a fellow bitcoiner, I think you know what I would propose. Besides its myriad other aspects, Bitcoin provides a unique foundation for community. We’ve all experienced it if we have attended Bitcoin events; I’d bet my bottom dollar (if either you or I still believed in the value of the dollar) that you had more in common with the person you had a five minute chat with in the queue of the bathroom at the Bitcoin conference than you do with your co-workers, who you have known and worked with for years.

Bitcoin is about shared values and a shared knowledge that the system we are living under just doesn’t work. Its capacity to lay the foundation for community (not to mention the rest of its cornucopia of economic, technical, social and philosophical gifts) is second to none. A community based around Bitcoin is a whole new and unique model which has the potential to fill the void which other failed (fiat) models of community have left.

Those of us who choose to already experience some of this Bitcoin community through Telegram, Twitter and Nostr. Amongst other Bitcoiners, we can, to put it simply, just go ahead and skip the small talk. Mostly, we’re all aware of the role governments, big pharma, mainstream media and the food giants play. Once these issues are no longer a topic of conversation, it’s beautiful to watch what emerges – we’re all pretty much in agreement about what has broadly gone wrong in the past so we tend to focus on the future. These conversations are incredibly valuable. I, for one, love the thought provoking contact and the sense of online community – but there’s the danger that those online communities and the people with whom I socialize and the businesses from whom I buy the goods I need in daily life can feel like two separate worlds. It takes some steps to bring those two worlds together but I do feel that they are very much worth taking. Shared values make for strong bonds and as you build a Bitcoin community around you, you get to experience the luxury of this.

Delivering regular Bitcoin education sessions and watching as businesses around me start to accept Bitcoin is, for me, planting the seeds of a whole extra layer of community. It could be said that we have an obligation – not only to ourselves and our families, but to our communities, to seed and foster the growth of new, Bitcoin based communities. Doing so will bring us huge benefits. Not only will we be able to transact and save in real money amongst ourselves, building parallel economies which are uncensorable and tailor made to fit our own needs (because we are incentivized to orange pill businesses we most want to buy from), we will have access to the social, philosophical and even moral benefits that being part of a true community brings and which most of us have never yet fully experienced.

Kas Bitcoin lead us back to a golden age of community, where all of us can experience these benefits? I think the answer is that it probably can. Some of the green shoots of it can already be seen growing out of the ash left by the collapse of fiat models of community. So if I may be so bold as to offer you some advice – go out there to that shop, restaurant or bar you go to often and say those magic words: “Do you accept Bitcoin veel? " 

See on Holly Youngi külalispostitus. Avaldatud arvamused on täielikult nende endi omad ja need ei kajasta tingimata BTC Inc või Bitcoin Ajakiri

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