Binance Latinoamerikan eta Ekialde Hurbilean Mastercard-en babestutako Crypto Txartela bertan behera uzten du legezko erronkak gora egin ahala

The Daily Hodl-ek - duela 8 hilabete - Irakurtzeko denbora: 2 minutu

Binance Latinoamerikan eta Ekialde Hurbilean Mastercard-en babestutako Crypto Txartela bertan behera uzten du legezko erronkak gora egin ahala

Munduko kriptografia-truke handiena Latinoamerikan eta Ekialde Hurbilean bere kriptografia-txartelen zerbitzuak amaitzen ari da.

In January, crypto titan Binance and payments giant Mastercard teamed up to launch Binance Txartela, which enabled users to fund their purchases and bill payments using their crypto assets.

Batean Komunikatua issued on Tuesday, the exchange says Binance cards issued in Latin America will no longer be accepted after September 21st, while cards issued in the Middle East will no longer be supported after August 25th.

"Nahiz eta asko Binance users in these regions have used the Binance Card to make daily expense payments with their cryptocurrencies, this change affects less than 1% of our users in Latin American and Middle Eastern countries where the product is no longer offered.”

Card-related returns and complaints can still be processed until December 20th, but funds for purchases returned after the termination of the card services will be deposited to the user’s Binance kontua.

The decision to discontinue the Mastercard-backed crypto card in Latin America and the Middle East comes as Binance faces mounting regulatory issues. In June, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a Auzia accusing the exchange and its CEO, Changpeng Zhao, of violating investor protection laws and selling unregistered “crypto asset securities.”

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Sortutako irudia: Midjourney

Mezua Binance Latinoamerikan eta Ekialde Hurbilean Mastercard-en babestutako Crypto Txartela bertan behera uzten du legezko erronkak gora egin ahala agertu zen lehen Eguneroko Hodl.

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