Aste honetan 2.5 milioi dolar NFTren salmentetan, bolumenak % 161 igo dira, Meebits NFTren salmentak gora egin du

By - duela 2 urte - Irakurtzeko denbora: 2 minutu

Aste honetan 2.5 milioi dolar NFTren salmentetan, bolumenak % 161 igo dira, Meebits NFTren salmentak gora egin du

Azken zazpi egunetan, token ez-fungigarriak (NFT) 2.53 milioi dolar saldu dira, azken astean % 161 gehiago. Ethereum-en blockchain-ek NFT salmenta gehien erregistratu zituen guztira 2.45 milioi dolarrekin, Solana sareak aste honetan 31.9 milioi dolar inguru ikusi zituen NFT salmenten. Aste honetan 258,536 NFT erosleren artean, NFT bilduma Meebits-ek 1.23 milioi dolar lortu zituen NFT salmenten.

2.5 kateetan NFT salmenten 10 milioi dolarrekin, Ethereum NFT salmentak % 96 baino gehiago dira nagusi.

Fungigarriak ez diren token salmenta kopuru handiek jarraitzen dute, NFT bateragarritasuna duten 10 bloke nagusietan erregistratutako salmentak 2.53 milioi dolar izan baitziren NFT salmenten.

The metric is up 161% during the course of the week, but Ethereum’s NFT sales represent the lion’s share. NFTs stemming from Ethereum captured $2.45 billion and sales on the Ethereum blockchain are up 184% according to’s data igandean.

Aste honetako hamar blockchain sare nagusietatik, Theta-k zazpi eguneko salmentak %490.39 handitu ditu. Wax blockchain-en salmentak % 17.10 handitu dira eta Flow blockchain-en salmentak % 1.04 igo dira azken aste honetan.

The biggest sale this week, in terms of the most expensive NFT sold in seven days, was Meebit #13824 when it sold for 15,000 ETH or $50.61 million four days ago. Meebit #9711 sold for a touch less than #13824 at 14,730 ether or $49.25 million at the time of settlement.

Meebits-ek % 31,948.20ko hazkundea izan du zazpi eguneko salmenten eta bilduma NFTren bilduma nagusia da aste honetako salmentei dagokienez. Meebits bildumak 574 erosle izan zituen 2,199 transakzioren artean 1.23 milioi dolar gastatu zituzten salmentetan.

The week’s second most sold collection is the NFT project harrapakin as it has seen $281 million in weekly sales according to metrics. Loot is followed by Cryptophunks V2 as that NFT project saw $142 million in sales.

Opensea 15 milioi dolarra hurbiltzen den bitartean, Axie Infinity 4 milioi dolarra hurbiltzen da denbora guztietako NFT salmenta bolumenean

As Albisteak jakinarazi earlier this week, there’s been an influx of traders leveraging the new NFT marketplace Looksrare. The Looksrare NFT market has outpaced Opensea’s seven-day sales statistics with $444.55 million.

Opensea has seen $120.55 million in sales this week, down 32.58% from the week prior. Solana’s Magic Eden was the third-largest marketplace this week with $7.68 million in sales, according to estatistikak.

Meanwhile, two NFT projects are about to reach new milestones in terms of all-time NFT sales volume. The NFT marketplace Itsaso irekia, which supports Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, is nearing $15 billion in total sales with $14.68 billion today.

axie infinitua is getting close to topping $4 billion in total sales, as the NFT project has accrued $3.94 billion so far. Furthermore, Flow’s NBA Top Shot is getting close to $1 billion in volume with $776.49 million total and Solana’s Magic Eden is also nearing the $1 billion mark with $615.05 million in all-time sales.

Zer deritzozu aste honetako token ez-fungigarriak salmentei eta estatistikei buruz? Esan iezaguzu zer pentsatzen duzun gai honi buruz beheko iruzkinen atalean.

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