Adidas Originals NFT bildumak bolumenaren araberako 50 bildumarik onenak sartzen ditu, 60 milioi dolar inguru salmenten 18 egunetan

By - duela 2 urte - Irakurtzeko denbora: 2 minutu

Adidas Originals NFT bildumak bolumenaren araberako 50 bildumarik onenak sartzen ditu, 60 milioi dolar inguru salmenten 18 egunetan

Duela 20 egun baino gutxiago, Adidas Alemaniako sneaker eta kirol-arropa multinazionalak konpainiaren Adidas Originals ez-fungible token (NFT) bilduma aurkeztu zuen eta orduz geroztik NFT bilduma salmenten aldetik 50 NFT bilduma nagusienetara igo da.

Adidas NFT bildumak eskari handia ikusten du 20 egun baino gutxiagotan

At the end of November 2021, Adidas agerian it was “excited” about the metaverse and said the company had partnered with Coinbase and acquired land in The Sandbox. The following week, Adidas told the press it parte with the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT project, and the comic series Punks Comic. In mid-December, the company abian jarri the Adidas Originals NFT compilation with Punks Comic, Gmoney, and BAYC.

Since then the NFT collection has done well in terms of sales, propelling its way into the top 50 NFT collections. At the time of writing, the Adidas Originals NFT collection is the 49th-largest NFT project in terms of sales. Between 13,801 buyers and 10,732 sellers, the NFT collection crafted by Adidas has seen 18,092 transactions. Adidas Originals has seen 14,781 ether or $57.6 million in sales since the day it launched.

Adidas Originals NFT Floor Nears 1 Ether, bildumaren salmentak oraindik patata txikiak NFT konpilazio independenteekin alderatuta

Data from Dune Analytics is a touch different with Adidas Originals NFTs seeing 18,770 sales and an aggregate of 15,479 ether or close to $60 million. The current floor price for a single Adidas Originals NFT is 0.704 ether or $2,729. However, the average sale today is 0.747 ETH or $2,896 and the top sale on January 4, 2022, is 0.780 ether or $3,024. Metrics indicate that there are 17,976 unique ethereum (ETH) addresses holding an Adidas Originals “Into the Metaverse” (ITM) NFT.

Adidas salmentei dagokienez NFTko 50 bilduma nagusietan sartu den lehenengo marka eta entitate korporatibo ezagunetako bat den arren, NFT proiektu independente askok eskaera askoz gehiago izan dute. Axie Infinity NFT-ek 3.8 milioi dolar salmenten erregistratu ditu, Cryptopunks-ek 1.8 milioi dolar bildu zituen, Artblocks-ek 1.1 milioi dolar eskuratu zituen eta BAYC-k milioi dolarreko marka gainditu berri du 296,616 etherrekin edo 1,022,099,909 dolar salmenten garai guztietan. Adidas Originals ITM salmentak BAYC-k erregistratu dituen salmenta guztien % 5.63 baino ez dira.

Zer iruditzen zaizu Adidas Originals ITM NFT salmentei buruz 50 NFT bilduma nagusienetan sartzeaz? Esan iezaguzu zer pentsatzen duzun gai honi buruz beheko iruzkinen atalean.

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