Blokea aztertzen "Bitcoin: Ezagutza eta Pertzepzioak” 2. atala.- Sentsibilizazioa

By Bitcoinist - duela urte 1 - Irakurtzeko denbora: 3 minutu

Blokea aztertzen "Bitcoin: Ezagutza eta Pertzepzioak” 2. atala.- Sentsibilizazioa

Hasi gaitezen bigarren txanda “Bitcoin: Knowledge and Perceptions,” Block-ek egindako txosten berri bat inkesta masibo batean oinarrituta. Atzo eman genion jaiei hasiera, besteak beste, errenta eta inklusioa eztabaidatzen as related to bitcoin. Today’s topics are knowledge and awareness. Does doing the work and learning about bitcoin make a difference? Is there a relationship between knowledge and optimism about the network? 

Hori da hemen jakiteko, baina lehenik. Metodologiari buruz, Block dio:

“The Block Bitcoin Survey was conducted by Wakefield Research among more than 9,500 nationally representative adults aged 18+ in three regions: 2,375 in the Americas, 4,360 in EMEA, and 2,860 in APAC, including an oversample to ensure 100 bitcoin owners per region, between January 10 and January 28, 2022, using an email invitation and an online survey.”

Dena den, sar gaitezen dagoeneko estatistika harrigarri eta adierazgarrietan.

BTC prezioen taula 06/02/2022 Gemini | n Iturria: BTC / USD aktibatuta

Block-en txostena: Ezagutza eta baikortasuna

Knowledge is power. As per the report, “people who have knowledge about cryptocurrencies overwhelmingly have a positive outlook about bitcoin’s future.” However, with great power comes great responsibility. So, “nearly a quarter of those who rate their knowledge of cryptocurrencies as “fair to expert” remain skeptical of bitcoin’s future.” 

Once again, the country the respondent is from turns out to be the differentiating factor. “Nigeria, India, Vietnam, and Argentina have the highest rates of optimism about bitcoin’s future as well as the highest claimed levels of cryptocurrency knowledge more broadly.” That’s interesting, considering txostenaren lehen erdian we learned that Argentina feels included in the bitcoin community while India doesn’t. And here they are, both on this optimism list.

Beste faktore desberdintzailea, noski, dirua da. «Gainera, diru-sarrera altuagoak diren pertsonak baikorragoak dira diru-sarrera baxuenak baino (%46 vs.%37), eta hori eskualde guztietan gertatzen da». Hau ez da batere harritzekoa, baina kontuan hartu hau: “baikortasun-hutsune hori erabat desagertzen da kriptografia-monetaz ezer ez dakitela diotenak kentzen badituzu”. Beraz, berriro ere, dena ezagutzara itzultzen da.

Ez Erosteko Arrazoiak, Txostenaren arabera

Education is the key. “Not knowing enough about bitcoin is far and away the most common reason not to buy it, but cybersecurity, price volatility, and an uncertain regulatory outlook are also commonly cited reasons.” Those are all fair reasons, but, what respondents don’t seem to be taking into account are the risks of remaining involved with the traditional system. That’s the real scary prospect.  

In any case, it all comes back to knowledge once again. “Someone’s self-assessed understanding of cryptocurrencies is the strongest predictor of whether or not they’re likely to buy bitcoin in the next year.” That basically means that education cures all of the people’s fears and doubts about bitcoin. It doesn’t specifically say that, but come on. Education is the key and cures fears.

Block-en txostena: Sentsibilizazioa

Surprising no one, bitcoin is the undisputed king. According to the report, “awareness of bitcoin is higher than that of any other cryptocurrency globally — by far — with 88% of adults surveyed having heard of bitcoin specifically.” The bitcoin brand is already a monster, and the message and image keep spreading all over the known universe. At this point, it’s hard to name 20 bigger worldwide brands.

Of course, ETH keeps second place. “The cryptocurrency with the next highest level of awareness is Ethereum, a distant second at 43%.” Notice that, even with the DeFi and NFT booms, bitcoin awareness is more than double that of Ethereum.

Horixe da Bitcoinist analysis of Block’s “Bitcoin: Knowledge and Perceptions” txostena. Egiaztatu jatorrizko dokumentua datu gehigarriak, diseinu estetiko atsegina eta grafiko erabilgarriak ikusteko. 

Irudi nabarmendua: pantaila-argazkia Block-en txostena | By grafikoak Negoziazio ikuspegia

Jatorrizko iturria: Bitcoinda