Beste txosten batek baieztatzen du jokabide kriminalak "kripta jarduera orokorraren ehuneko gisa jaisten" jarraitzen duela

CryptoNews-ek - duela urtebete - Irakurtzeko denbora: 1 minutu

Beste txosten batek baieztatzen du jokabide kriminalak "kripta jarduera orokorraren ehuneko gisa jaisten" jarraitzen duela

Global politicians’ claims that crypto is the criminal world’s currency of choice may be wide of the mark, another report reitarates.
The findings were detailed in an annual report by the American blockchain analytics firm CipherTrace, which was bought up last year by the payments giant Mastercard....
Read More: Another Report Confirms That Criminal Behavior Keeps ‘Dropping as a Percentage of Overall Crypto Activity’

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