Bitcoin Hondartzak 203 milioi dolar baino gehiago jasoko ditu El Salvadorren azpiegituren inbertsioetan

By - duela urtebete - Irakurtzeko denbora: 1 minutu

Bitcoin Hondartzak 203 milioi dolar baino gehiago jasoko ditu El Salvadorren azpiegituren inbertsioetan

El Zonte, El Salvadorko hondartza bat rebaptized as “Bitcoin Beach” due to its adoption of the cryptocurrency, will receive infrastructure investments as part of a strategic plan of the government of El Salvador. Surf City, another beach location in the La Libertad region, will also receive road improvements and other upgrades.

'Bitcoin Beach’ to Benefit From Infrastructure Investments

Bitcoin Beach, a beach in El Zonte, El Salvador, is getting a set of infrastructure upgrades from the country’s government. The beach is iconic due to its adoption of bitcoin to build a circular economy in the area. These investments will be directed toward building a new set of facilities for tourists to better enjoy the location.

Inbertsio hauen exekuzioari dagokionez, Nayib Bukele presidenteak adierazi:

El Zonte for many is known as Bitcoin Beach; we are going to fix an area of 15,000 square meters, where there will be a shopping center, parking, beach club, treatment plant, to revitalize the area.

Surf City, El Tunco izenez ere ezagutzen den hondartza, La Libertad eskualdearekin batera hedatuko diren inbertsio horien onuradun izango da. Surf City proiektuaren bigarren fasearen barruan kokatzen da hau, eta turismoa aurrera ateratzeko garapen estrategikoak ekarri nahi ditu ingurura.

La Libertad eskualdeak ere errepide multzo berri bat jasoko du turistei guneetara hobeto sartzeko. Bukelek azaldu zuen:

Aurten kostaldeko autobidearen 21 kilometro lau erreitara zabalduko ditugu. Eta hormigoi hidraulikoarekin ere egingo dugu, asfaltoa baino garestiagoa dena, baina askoz gehiago irauten duena.

Guztira, El Salvadorreko gobernuak 203 milioi dolar baino gehiago gastatuko ditu azpiegituretan, besteak beste, drainatze sistema berria, zubiak eta bizikleta bideak, besteak beste.

Bitcoin and Surf Crucial for Salvadoran Tourism

This set of investments is in line with what the government has declared previously about the influence that surf and bitcoin have had on the growth of national tourism. A recent report issued confirmed that El Salvador was on the list of countries that had already recovered their tourism-derived incomes to pre-pandemic levels.

bukele egotzitako this to three elements: the fight against gangs in the country, surf, and bitcoin. Other officers of the government of El Salvador have also praised bitcoin as a catalyst for the growth of tourism this year. In April, Morena Valdez, minister of tourism in El Salvador, adierazi ren adopzioa dela bitcoin as legal tender had helped the sector grow by 30%.

What do you think about the investments of the Salvadoran government in Bitcoin Beach? Tell us in the comments section below.

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