Bitcoin (BTC) Facing Massive Headwinds Despite Ongoing Rally, Warns Crypto Analyst Nicholas Merten – Here’s Why

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Bitcoin (BTC) Facing Massive Headwinds Despite Ongoing Rally, Warns Crypto Analyst Nicholas Merten – Here’s Why

Analyst and trader Nicholas Merten has reservations about Bitcoin (BTC) despite the flagship crypto asset’s massive rally over the past week.

merten kontatzen his 511,000 YouTube subscribers that although the Bitcoin-to-Nasdaq stock index correlation looks bullish, the macro environment is unfavorable.

“I definitely have to say that this chart right here, the Bitcoin-to-Nasdaq, ratio is what has gotten me most excited. Seeing that we’ve been able to get above the 200-week and 200-day moving averages is definitely a really positive sign.

Baina azken merkataritza egunean hemen ikusi genuen bezala, irabazi horietako asko lausotu genituen. Ikusi behar dut hemen iraun dezakeela, zeren eta, historiaren arabera, tarte honetan [25,000 $-tik gora] igotzen garenean, hemen ez du asko irauten.

And we are in a macro environment that for a more risk-on asset like Bitcoin, where its onramps are being talked about in question when it comes to regulators shutting them down… we have the banking infrastructure around these assets crippling as we speak. Where is that liquidity going to come from?

Ez dut esaten txikizkako bolumena eta espekulatzaileek eta inbertitzaile orokorrek epe luzeko hodler-ek ezin dutela igo. Baina ez dugu ikusi kriptografia hartz merkatu tipiko baten zuzenketa tipikoa ere.

Mertenen arabera, litekeena da BTC faktore makroekonomikoek birrintzea datozen asteetan.

“I just don’t see how Bitcoin is going to do very well in this environment. And until we start seeing a more continued deviation of Bitcoin away from the Nasdaq where it’s continuing to lead, I can’t be too confident just yet.”

Bitcoin is trading at $26,665 at time of writing, up by about 35% since March 10th.


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  Ezespena: The Daily Hodl-en adierazitako iritziak ez dira inbertsio aholkuak. Inbertitzaileek beren arduraz arduratu beharko lukete arrisku handiko inbertsioak egin aurretik Bitcoin, kriptokonferentzia edo aktibo digitalak. Kontuan izan zure transferentziak eta salerosketak zure ardurapean daudela eta sor ditzakezun galerak zure erantzukizuna direla. Daily Hodl-ek ez du gomendatzen inolako kriptokonferentziarik edo aktibo digitalik erostea edo saltzea, ezta The Daily Hodl inbertsio aholkularia ere. Kontuan izan The Daily Hodl-ek filialen marketinean parte hartzen duela.

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Mezua Bitcoin (BTC) Facing Massive Headwinds Despite Ongoing Rally, Warns Crypto Analyst Nicholas Merten – Here’s Why agertu zen lehen Eguneroko Hodl.

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