Bitcoin Hartzaileak Erosketa/Salmenta ratioa Bullish Cross hurbiltzen da

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Bitcoin Hartzaileak Erosketa/Salmenta ratioa Bullish Cross hurbiltzen da

Katean dauden datuek erakusten dute Bitcoin taker buy/sell ratio is now approaching a crossover with the “1” level, a sign that could be bullish for the crypto’s price.

Bitcoin Taker Buy/Sell Ratio Observes Rise, Almost Reaches A Value Of 1

As explained by an analyst in a CryptoQuant post, signs may suggest that a local top could soon be coming for the crypto.

"Taker erosi/salmenta ratioa" arteko ratioa neurtzen duen adierazlea da Bitcoin long volume and the short volume.

Neurriaren balioa bat baino handiagoa denean, hartzaileak erosi duen bolumena oraintxe bertan salmenta bolumena baino handiagoa dela esan nahi du. Joera honek adierazten du bullish sentimendu bat nagusi dela merkatuan une honetan.

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Bestalde, ratioa bat baino txikiagoa izateak esan nahi du gehiengoaren sentimendua beherakoa dela gaur egun, hartzailearen salmenta bolumena bolumen luzea baino handiagoa baita.

Orain, hona hemen joera erakusten duen grafiko bat Bitcoin taker buy/sell ratio over the last few months:

The value of the indicator seems to have observed a surge recently | Source: CryptoQuant

Goiko grafikoan ikus dezakezunez, the Bitcoin taker buy/sell ratio has been rising over the past month and is now approaching a crossover with the “1” level.

Iraganean, lerro honen gainetik adierazlearen balioaren igoera izan ohi da kriptografiaren prezioaren seinale bullish bat.

Lotutako irakurketa | Likidazio luzeek merkatuan jarraitzen dute Bitcoin 30,000 $ baino gehiago konpontzeko borrokak

The quant also points out that the volume has been going up and is about to cross above a positive value. The below chart shows this trend.

Looks like the BTC volume has been going up in recent weeks | Source: CryptoQuant

The analyst believes that these two trends together (if they continue on and the respective crosses take place) may indicate that the price of Bitcoin could see an increase soon and form a local top.

BTC Prezioa

Idazterako orduan Bitcoin'ren prezioa $ 30.3k inguruan mugitzen da, % 2 hazi da azken zazpi egunetan. Azken hilabetean, kriptoak % 24 galdu du balioa.

Beheko grafikoak azken bost egunetan txanponaren prezioaren joera erakusten du.

The price of the crypto looks to have observed a rise over the last couple of days | Source: BTCUSD on TradingView

Bitcoin seems to have gained some footing above the $30k level in the past two days, but the coin has still been stuck in an overall trend of consolidation for a couple of weeks now.

Momentuz, ez dago argi noiz ihes egin dezakeen txanponak sorta mugatu duen merkatu honetatik eta benetako prezioen mugimendua erakutsi. irudia,, zerrendetan

Jatorrizko iturria: AlbisteakBTC