Bitcoin Baleek merkatuaren kraskadura aprobetxatzen dute BTC-n milioika irabazteko

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Bitcoin Baleek merkatuaren kraskadura aprobetxatzen dute BTC-n milioika irabazteko

The bitcoin crash rocked the market to its core when the digital asset had lost over 50% of its all-time high value to bottom out at $33,000. It was as a result of market sell-offs across the financial space, sparking a ripple effect that was felt heavily in the crypto market. Market sentiment had crumbled during this time as investors had scrambled to sell their holdings.

However, not everyone saw the declining prices as a signal to sell before prices tank even more. Whales, who control a large portion of the circulating supply, took this as a cue to buy and have been filling their bags with all of the bitcoin being dumped on the market by panicking investors.

Whale Gobbles Up Traded Bitcoin

In a report from CC15Capital, the trading activities of a whale are outlined. In what came out to be a long document, it shows that the whale had been purchasing tens of thousands of bitcoin every few hours while traders dumped their coins. CC15Capital which is an asset allocator tracked the wallet and discovered that a single bitcoin wallet had been purchasing millions of dollars worth of bitcoin.

Lotutako irakurketa | Merkatuaren sentimendua erortzen da salmentak arrastatzean Bitcoin 33,000 dolarretara

In the event of the past week’s price crash, this single whale had accumulated millions in bitcoin. Each purchase ranged from $2 to $18 million worth of BTC every few hours, averaging 48,000 BTC per purchase.

It looked like the whale was buying up all coins being dumped on the market. By the weekend, the wallet had successfully increased its holdings by a couple of hundred thousand BTC. The more the price dropped, the more bitcoin the whale bought.

BTC merkataritza $ 36k baino gehiago | Iturria: BTCUSD

CC15Capital, in response, called for bitcoin investors to stop dumping their coins, which are being bought by whales, thereby increasing the concentration of bitcoin supply in the hands of large investors.

Stop panic selling your #Bitcoin to this guy. He’s been buying $2-18 million worth every few hours.

— CC15Capital (@Capital15C) January 24, 2022

BTC negoziagarria gainbeheran

CC15Capital also noted that the volume of bitcoin that is available for sale has gone down. Currently, 14.5 million of the total bitcoin supply is illiquid. This means that this supply has not moved, neither have they been traded. It is the highest concentration of supply which looks to be held for the long-term.

Txio berean, aktiboen esleitzaileak azaltzen du likidorik gabeko hornikuntza hori daukaten diru-zorroek % 27 besterik ez balute handitu, guztira 4 milioi BTC, ez litzatekeela txanponak salgai geratuko, hornidura zerora eramanez.

#Bitcoin likido gabeko hornikuntza (merkatu gabea) 14.5 milioikoa da.

If those who #HODL the 14.5 million Bitcoin, would increase their holdings by 27%, or 4 million $BTC, there would be exactly 0 remaining coins available for sale.

Keep buying and HODL. Law of supply/demand will prevail.

— CC15Capital (@Capital15C) January 24, 2022

Lotutako irakurketa | Du Bitcoin Reached Its Bottom? Analyst Says It Still Has A Long Way To Go

Beste baleak ere aprobetxatu dituzte merkatuan gertatzen ari diren salmentak. Truke-eskaintza murrizten ari den heinean, inbertitzaile handi hauek hornidura estutu bat gertatzen denean euren amaieran eskasiarik ez dagoela ziurtatzen ari dira.

This is how you buy $1 Billion in #Bitcoin 2 hilabetetan.

0eko azaroko 2021 dolartik 1 mila milioi dolar baino gehiagora.

When you panic sell your $BTC, this is one of the guys buying it.

Buy, #DCA and #HODL.

— CC15Capital (@Capital15C) January 25, 2022

Bi hilabetetan, azaroan zero BTC zuen bale-zorro batek BTC-n 1 mila milioi dolar baino gehiagoko inpresioa biltzea lortu du. Kontu honek istripuarekin erosten hasi dela dirudi eta hala jarraitu du orduz geroztik. Idazteko unean, diru-zorroaren saldoa 1,013,777,643.51 $-tan dago.

TokeneoBit-eko irudi aipagarria, diagrama

Jatorrizko iturria: AlbisteakBTC