Bitmex-eko sortzailekide Arthur Hayes-ek dio Bitcoin 30 dolarretara jaitsi liteke Burtsaren apurketa baten erdian

By - duela 2 urte - Irakurtzeko denbora: 4 minutu

Bitmex-eko sortzailekide Arthur Hayes-ek dio Bitcoin 30 dolarretara jaitsi liteke Burtsaren apurketa baten erdian

The co-founder and former CEO of Bitmex, Arthur Hayes, has published a new blog post concerning the current state of cryptocurrency markets. Hayes says currently there’s an inability to recognize the cyclical nature of markets and the “inconvenient truth” that is crypto is now moving in “lockstep” with market equities. Hayes expects the Nasdaq 100 (NDX) to experience a significant 30% to 50% drawdown and leading crypto assets like bitcoin and ethereum to drop in value too, amid a great deal of stock market carnage.

Epe luzerako kripto-merkatuaren aurreikuspena argia zen bitartean, Bitmex-en sortzailekidearen epe laburreko ikuspegia beldurgarria da

Kriptografia-ekonomia 2 bilioi dolar azpitik jaitsi zen astelehenean, eta % 4.7 jaitsi zen 1.98 bilioi dolarra. Jaitsiera Erreserba Federalak espero dituen tasen igoerari egozten zaio, ekonomialariek uste baitute AEBetako banku zentralak "maiatzean eta ekainean puntu erdiko interes-tasaren bi igoera emango dituela espero da", baten arabera. Reuters-en inkesta. Inkestatutako ekonomialariek ere aurreikusten dute datorren urtean atzeraldi bat gertatzeko aukera %40koa dela. Martxoaren erdialdean argitaratutako blog baten ondoren, Bitmex Arthur Hayes-en sortzailekideak epe hurbilerako iragarpen berri batzuk idatzi ditu.

Blogeko azken sarrera martxoaren 16an azaldu that Hayes believes the end of the “Petro Dollar / Euro Dollar monetary system” is drawing closer. Hayes also said that he predicted gold’s value could reach $10K per ounce while bitcoin (BTC) marches to $1 million per coin. However, the blog post published on April 10 paints a different picture, as Hayes is predicting a crypto market downturn. Via the blog post and sharing a great number of charts, Hayes shows that bitcoin (BTC) and crypto markets, in general, are very correlated with stocks at the moment.

Hayes-ek Nasdaq 100 (NDX) dardara egingo duela espero du eta kriptografia-merkatuek batera jarraituko dutela uste du. NDX gutxi gorabehera % 30 edo % 50 gutxiago jaitsiko dela uste du, baina ez dago ziur. Hayesek argi du, ordea, Erreserba Federalak dirua arintzeko praktikak eten dituela eta denbora amaitu dela. "[NDX] % 30 jaitsi? … %50 jaitsi? ... zure ustea nirea bezain ona da ", esan zuen Hayesek igandean. "Baina argi izan dezagun - Fed-ek ez du bere balantzea berriro hazteko asmoa laster, hau da, akzioek ez dute gora egingo", gehitu du Bitmex-eko sortzaileak.

Crypto Derivatives Exchange Co-Founder’s Predictions: Bitcoin $30,000, Ethereum $2,500

Hayes thinks that the crypto economy will follow suit with U.S. technology stocks and will drop significantly lower in value in the coming months. The crypto derivatives exchange co-founder highlights that there are “many crypto market pundits who believe the worst is over” but he believes they “ignore the inconvenient truth.” While Hayes predicts the NDX will slide by 30% or even 50% lower, he predicts bitcoin (BTC) 30K $-ra jaitsiko da unitate bakoitzeko. Hayes-ek bigarren kripto-aktibo nagusia ere espero du, ethereum (ETH), unitateko 2,500 $-ra lerratzeko. Hayes-ek lortutako zenbakiak uste duenetik datoz eta ez analisi teknikoaren ikuspuntutik.

“There isn’t much science to these numbers other than a gut feeling,” Hayes writes. “The annoying part is that there are a number of altcoins I have begun to accumulate because the prices are quite attractive. Even though some of these coins are already down 75% from their all-time high, I don’t believe even they can escape the coming crypto carnage. As such, I am buying crash June 2022 puts on both bitcoin and ether.”

Hayes ends his blog post by saying that of course, his “market prognosis might be wrong” and he is fine with that. If he is wrong then he only loses the premium he paid on crash protection. “I will be wrong if the correlation between bitcoin / ether and NDX starts dropping before a crash in risk asset markets,” Hayes’s blog post concludes. “I’m perfectly okay with that outcome, as I’m already in a long crypto position.”

Zer deritzozu Bitmex-eko sortzailekidearen azken blogaren iragarpenei buruz? Esan iezaguzu zer pentsatzen duzun gai honi buruz beheko iruzkinen atalean.

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