Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission CVM Subpoenas Mercado Bitcoin on Fixed Income Token Investments

By - duela urtebete - Irakurtzeko denbora: 1 minutu

Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission CVM Subpoenas Mercado Bitcoin on Fixed Income Token Investments

The Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) has sent a subpoena to Mercado Bitcoin, one of the biggest exchanges in the country, to inquire about the services the company lends regarding cryptocurrency-related fixed return investments. The company will have to disclose the details of these investments and if they plan to maintain them as available to the general public.

Market Bitcoin Subpoenaed on Fixed Income Token Investments

Cryptocurrency exchanges are becoming more than just that, and in regions like Latam, where there are countries with high inflation numbers, some offer bank-like products to entice customers to enter the crypto market. Mercado Bitcoin, one of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges in Brazil, has been zitazioa Brasilgo Balore eta Truke Batzordeak (CVM) bere plataformaren bidez bezeroei eskaintzen dizkien zerbitzuei buruz.

The subpoena inquires about the services offered via the Tokens section on the web page of Mercado Bitcoin, which, according to the CVM, offers a way for customers to diversify their portfolio with supposed low risk and receive a high yield in different areas.

Token hauek eskuragarri daude txanpon egonkor kopuru jakin bat baino gehiago duten bezeroentzat, itxuraz aurrezki-produktu arruntak baino etekin handiagoa emanez epe laburrean.

CVM Zitazioaren xehetasunak

The CVM is requiring certain key information about how these tokens work. Mercado Bitcoin will have to detail the number and identities of the customers that have invested in these products since January 2020. In addition, Mercado Bitcoin will have to announce if it intends to keep offering these token products in the future. If it does, the company might face sanctions if the CVM decides that the products are irregular.

However, Mercado Bitcoin affirms it is not offering irregular services. In a statement, the company explained:

Ez dugu balore-eskaintza publikorik egiten crowdfunding eta inbertsio-kudeatzaileen plataforma baimendu gisa ditugun baimenen esparrutik kanpo.

Modu berean, enpresak argitu du kontu handiena hartzen dutela baimendutako entitateen jardun-eremua ez urratzeko, eta konpainiak token horien egiturari buruz kontsultatu duela produktuak 2020an eskaini aurretik.

Hau da aurten trukeak izan duen azken arazoa, konpainiak bi kaleratze txanda ezberdin burutu baititu, lehen ekainean eta azken one executed earlier this month. In 2021 Mercado Bitcoin planteatu 200 milioi dolar bere B serieko finantzaketa txandan, Softbank-ek babestuta, 2 milioi dolar baino gehiagoko balorazioa lortuz.

What do you think about Mercado Bitcoin’s CVM subpoena? Tell us in the comments section below.

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