Mike McGlone lehengaien estrategak atzeraldi bat aurreikusten du urrearen 2,000 $-tik gorako igoeraren katalizatzaile nagusi gisa

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Mike McGlone lehengaien estrategak atzeraldi bat aurreikusten du urrearen 2,000 $-tik gorako igoeraren katalizatzaile nagusi gisa

This week, Bloomberg Intelligence senior macro strategist Mike McGlone shared his March outlook and noted that the “top catalyst” that could push gold above the $2,000-per-ounce range is a recession. McGlone further explained in an update about bitcoin and the Nasdaq that a key ingredient to force the U.S. Federal Reserve to pivot its stance is “a sharp drop in the stock market.”

Mike McGlone-k martxoko aurreikuspenak partekatzen ditu metal preziatuen eta kriptomoneta

Gold and silver prices were lower this past week, with gold close to dropping below the $1,800-per-ounce range and silver clinging just above the $20-per-ounce range. The global cryptocurrency market capitalization today is $1.08 trillion, a decrease of around 1.57% over the last day. Earlier this week, Bloomberg Intelligence senior macro strategist Mike McGlone shared his March predictions concerning assets like commodities, precious metals, equities, and bitcoin. Dagokionez bitcoin, McGlone galdera azken rallya hutsa izan ala susperraldi iraunkor bat.

The Bloomberg analyst noted that “cryptos have never faced a U.S. recession, Fed tightening, and the bitcoin 50-week moving average below the 200-week.” McGlone detailed that at some point, most risk assets will bottom, but with the U.S. central bank still in tightening mode, most markets have bounced. “Bitcoin’s 50-week moving average has never crossed below its 200-week level amid the Fed’s tightening, and the crypto has bounced to this line in the sand at about $25,000,” McGlone said. The macro strategist added:

Swift snap-backs are typical of bear markets and if bitcoin can sustain above $25,000, it would signal divergent strength vs. central-bank.

Urreari dagokionez, metal preziatuak unitateko 2,000 dolarretara iristeko aukera ona du AEBetako ekonomia atzeraldian sartzen bada, McGlone opined. "30 urte inguruko errendimendu-kurbaren uzkurtze ekonomikoaren potentzial handienak eta Erreserba Federalak oraindik estutzen ari den metal gehienak beherago eta urrezko gorago gidatu ditzake 2023an", idatzi zuen estrategak. "AEBetako atzeraldia metalaren prezioa 2,000 dolarreko ontzatik gora igo dezakeen katalizatzaile nagusia da". Gainera, atzeraldirako aukerak litekeena dirudi McGloneren datuen arabera.

"10az geroztik gure datu-baseko hiru hilabeteko Ogasun kurbatik atzeraldiaren probabilitaterik handienaren arabera", esan zuen estrategak. "Oraingo honetan desberdina izan daitekeen funtsezko faktorea merkatuak ohituta zeuden Fed-etik 1992ko inflaziora arte arintzea da". Gainera, McGlone-k uste du baliteke urrearen jauzia ez dela gertatuko Fed-ek dirua estutzeko politiketan pibotatzea erabaki arte. "2022 hilabeteko errendimendu onenetariko bat, metal preziatua izan daiteke atzeraldiaren ondorioz Fed pibota bat usnatzea", ondorioztatu du McGlone-ren martxoko aurreikuspenak.

Uste duzu AEBetako ekonomia atzeraldi batera lerratuko dela, eta, hala bada, zer eragin izango du urrearen eta kriptografia-monetak bezalako beste aktibo batzuen prezioan? Partekatu zure pentsamenduak beheko iruzkinen atalean.

Jatorrizko iturria: Bitcoin.com