Kripto Analista: Bitcoin Hamarkada batean Urrea Eta Zilarra Gainditzea

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Kripto Analista: Bitcoin Hamarkada batean Urrea Eta Zilarra Gainditzea

Asteartean, InvestAnswer YouTube kanal ezagun bateko kripto analista anonimoa Elkarbanatutako more light on the future of Bitcoin. The analyst revealed that Bitcoin (BTC) merkatuko kapitalizazioan Urrezko eta Zilarrezko gainditzea ezarri da hamarkada batean baino gehiagotan.

BTC urrea eta zilarrezkoa baino aterpe seguruagoa da

Urteetan zehar, Bitcoin has been regarded as urre digitala Izan ere, kriptografia-monetak urrearen onura berdinak eskaintzen dituelako ezaugarri gehigarriekin. Nahasmendu ekonomiko eta politikoen garaian, BTC babesleku seguru gisa ikusi da.

In the YouTube video, the crypto analyst was able to highlight the underlying difference between Bitcoin and Gold, since Silver is no longer a safe haven and gold has been a more reliable precious metal than Silver.

According to the crypto analyst, there has been distraught among the crypto community on the idea of whether the paper versions of gold and Bitcoin can change their real-world prices and potential price manipulations by financial giants such as JPMorgan Rock beltza. 

However, the analyst was kind to shed more light on the growing issue in the YouTube video. He said, “For gold, it’s impossible to know if there is a gold backing to the paper that exists, which makes things very risky. On the other hand with Bitcoin, askoz errazagoa da frogatzea eta egiaztatzea askoz ere fidagarriagoa izan dadin».

In addition, the analyst stated that he strongly believes that Bitcoin will surpass Gold 8-10 urteetan, ez bakarrik aurreko arrazoiengatik, baizik eta kriptografia moneta egiaztatzea oso erraza izan daitekeelako.

«Sin iezadazu, ahaztu hori beste 20 abantailak Bitcoin urrea baino gehiago dauka. sinisten dut Bitcoin will smash gold performance over the next 8 to 10 years because you can verify. Therefore, I know a lot of people are worried about paper and manipulation by the JPMorgan and the BlackRocks of the world but they can’t because it can be so easily verified.” he stated.

Another crypto analyst David Waugh, the lead analyst of Coinbits, has also backed the cryptocurrency. According to the analyst, Bitcoin’s technological developments make it a superior asset over gold.

Gainera, kriptoaren zatigarritasuna, eramangarritasuna, iraunkortasuna, egiaztagarritasuna eta eskasiaren hobekuntzek aktibo digitala balio biltegi eraginkorragoa eta fidagarriagoa bihurtzen dutela gaineratu zuen.

Gris-eskala Bitcoin ETF Approval Sparks Momentum

Duela gutxi, Estatu Batuetako Balore eta Truke Batzordeak (SEC) egun bat baino gutxiago eman zaio to file an appeal on the Grayscale plan to convert GBTC into a Bitcoin ETF or will be forced to approve the company’s plan.

SECk egunaren amaiera baino lehen helegiterik aurkezten ez badu, kripto-merkatuan gorakada posible bat piztu dezake Grayscale-ren garaipenari aurka egiten ez diola esan nahi baitu.

Currently, Grayscale owns a significant amount of BTC, which it holds in trust and offers investors shares of the cryptocurrency as GBTC. If the company wins the case with the SEC, it could signal a possible bullish run for Bitcoin.

Jatorrizko iturria: AlbisteakBTC