Dfinity Foundation Set To Unlock Smart Contracts On Bitcoin, Advancing Further Into Ethereum’s Orbit

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Dfinity Foundation Set To Unlock Smart Contracts On Bitcoin, Advancing Further Into Ethereum’s Orbit

Itxaronaldi luzea Bitcoin’s smart contracts could soon change after the Dfinity foundation disclosed an elaborate plan which will see a BTC-ICP direct integration, ushering Bitcoin into the smart contracts era.

BTC Interneteko ordenagailuarekin (ICP) integratzea

According to a recent announcement by the developer, the project which comprises three stages is partially complete with stage one, which seeks to unlock smart contracts on Bitcoin ready to hit mainnet.

Jakinarazi dutenez, lehenengo faseak Eliptiko Kurba Digital Sinadura Algoritmoa (ECDSA) sarean txertatzea ekarriko du, erabiltzaileek transakzioak egiaztatzeko aukera emanez. ECDSA algoritmo kriptografiko bat da, sarritan gako pribatua, gako publikoa edo "sinadura" deitzen zaio eta behar den segurtasuna eskaintzen du kontratu adimentsuak martxan jartzen direnean fondoak legezko jabeak bakarrik gastatu ahal izango dituela ziurtatzeko.

Bigarren faseak ICP-BTC nodoa proba sarean jartzea ekarriko du integrazio osoa hasi aurretik.

Kanpoko zubiak ezabatzea

Dfinity-ren sortzaile Dominic Williams-en arabera, transakzioak betetzeko konfiantzazko alderdi independente bat erabiltzen duten zubi-lan tradizionalek ez bezala, segurtasun-arriskuak areagotuz, zuzeneko ICP integrazioek bloke-katean kontratu adimendunen arteko zuzeneko transakzioak ahalbidetuko dituzte.

"Adibidez, ERC-20 tokenak Avalanchera eraman nahi badituzu, zubi-operadore bati bidaliko dizkiozu eta tokenaren bertsio bilduak emango dizkizu." dio, "baina ikuspegi honekin arazo batzuk daude- zubi-hornitzailearen segurtasunean oinarritzen zara".

Interneteko ordenagailuak (ICP) hori guztia nola aldatzen duen aztertuz, gaineratu du zientzialari nagusiak: “What’s different here is that you can send Bitcoin directly to smart contracts on the ICP.” He further notes that when those smart contracts on the ICP send Bitcoin to other smart contracts, they move on the Bitcoin blockchain, eliminating the need for external bridges.

Until recently, executing smart contracts on the blockchain had been a grueling process given Bitcoin’s hard smart contract scripting language. More smart contracts are now expected to roll out using the ICP-BTC integration joining the likes of the Lightning Network.

Taproot's Hand In Smart Contracts

Iazko azaroan, The Taproot upgrade went live on the bitcoin’s mainnet in a watershed moment that was expected to boost the network’s smart contract capability and privacy.

Whereas experts have argued that “greater expressive abilities” on layer 1 are not a priority given that “Smart contracts are spending decisions between a group of participants who value privacy,” Taproot is expected to boost the programmability of Bitcoin transactions to support expressive contracts. 

Hori bai, Dfinity-ren ikuspegia Blockchain-eko kontratuen arteko transakzio ezin hobeak egiteko ingurune bat sortzea da, Ethereum-en Vitalik Buterin-en ustearekin bat datorrena "etorkizuna kate anitzekoa izango da, ez kate gurutzatua".  

Jatorrizko iturria: ZyCrypto