Dogecoin As The Official Currency Of Mars? Elon Musk Ponders

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Dogecoin As The Official Currency Of Mars? Elon Musk Ponders

Musk reveals that DOGE, more than any other crypto, checks out as a currency. He likes Dogecoin as the currency of Mars but says it is up to the people.There is no sign of the billionaire relenting in his support for the token.

Elon Musk has continued to express his fascination with meme coin sensation Dogecoin. In a recent interview with Lex Fridman, Musk explained the reason for his preference of DOGE to Bitcoin.

Dogecoin Ikusi duen diruaren bertsio onena da

PayPaleko zuzendari ohiak, Elon Musk-ek bere iritzia adierazi du Dogecoin paketearen aurretik zela truke-bide gisa. Ez da Teslako buruzagiak iritzi hori adierazten duen lehen aldia. Hala egin du duela gutxi Times aldizkariak aldizkariaren urteko pertsona gisa egindako elkarrizketa batean.

Teslako buruzagiak Lex Fridman-i esan zion Martek kriptografia-moneta batekin funtzionatuko zuela uste zuela, Dogecoin aukera posible gisa goraipatu zuen. Hori esan zuen 2026rako gizakiak Martera lurreratzeari buruz bere baikortasuna adierazi ondoren. Muskek azpimarratu zuen, hala ere, moneta aukeraketa Marteko biztanleen esku geratuko zela, eta gaineratu zuen "Marten gauza lokalizatu bat izango litzateke».

Elkarrizketak Musk finantza-sistemaren egoera txarrari buruz hitz egitera eraman zuen eta kriptografia-monetak "gobernuak handitutako akatsak" nola zuzentzen dituen. Hori esan zuen milioidunak, datu-basea mantentzeko zailtasuna eta gobernuak eskaintza handitzeko duen ahalmen arbitrarioa aipatuz.

Musk went on to explain that while Bitcoin improves on this system, its low transaction volume and high fees make it impractical as a currency and more like a store of value. Dogecoin, on the other hand, he said, was more scalable in terms of volume as well as very low in fees.

Musk acknowledged that Layer 2 solutions like the Lightning Network, which have been implemented in places like El Salvador, address the issues raised. However, he explained further that the deflationary nature of Bitcoin encouraged people to “hodl” it and not spend it, stating that that was not a trait that a currency should have. Musk added that Dogecoin’s design of a fixed number for inflation solved this issue without necessarily making it inflationary. 

Musk DOGE taldean dago oraindik

Elon Musk has remained a vocal proponent of Dogecoin this year. He has used platforms from Twitter to recent interviews to promote the coin. Many have attributed the surge of interest in the token to the billionaire.

In a tweet nearly two weeks ago, the Tesla boss, who had held a Twitter poll earlier this year to ask if his fan base would like to use DOGE for payments at Tesla, revealed that the company would start accepting the token for certain Tesla merchandise in a tweet over two weeks ago.

"Teslak salgai batzuk erosi ahal izango ditu Dogerekin eta ikusiko du nola doan".

Elon Musk-ek DOGEri emandako laguntzak ez du behera egiteko zantzurik erakusten. Maiatzean, milioidunak txio batean agerian utzi zuen proiektuan garatzaileekin lanean ari zela. 

"Doge garatzaileekin lan egitea sistemaren transakzioen eraginkortasuna hobetzeko. Itxaropentsua izan daiteke». 

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